package_table_columns_for_type (private)

 package_table_columns_for_type object_type

Defined in packages/acs-subsite/tcl/package-procs.tcl

Generates the list of tables and columns that are parameters of the object named NEW for PL/SQL package associated with this object type.

Note we limit the argument list to only object_type to make it possible to use util_memoize_flush to clear any cached values for this procedure.

object_type - The object type for which we are generating the list
a list of lists where each list element is a pair of table name, column name
Michael Bryzek <>

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 package_create_attribute_list package_create_attribute_list (private) package_table_columns_for_type package_table_columns_for_type package_create_attribute_list->package_table_columns_for_type acs_object_type::get acs_object_type::get (public) package_table_columns_for_type->acs_object_type::get db_list_of_lists db_list_of_lists (public) package_table_columns_for_type->db_list_of_lists

No testcase defined.
Source code:

    set object_name "NEW"

    acs_object_type::get -object_type $object_type -array acs_type
    set package_name $acs_type(package_name)

    # We need to hit the data dictionary to find the table and column names
    # for all the arguments to the object_types function/procedure
    # named "object_name." Note that we join against
    # acs_object_types to select out the tables and columns for the
    # object_type up the type tree starting from this object_type.
    # NOTE: This query is tuned already, yet still slow (~1
    # second on my box right now). Be careful modifying
    # it... It's slow because of the underlying data dictionary query
    # against user_arguments

    return [db_list_of_lists select_object_type_param_list {}]
Generic XQL file:

PostgreSQL XQL file:
<fullquery name="package_table_columns_for_type.select_object_type_param_list">

        select cols.table_name, cols.column_name
          from user_tab_columns cols,
               (select upper(t2.table_name) as table_name
                  from acs_object_types t1, acs_object_types t2
                 where t1.tree_sortkey between t2.tree_sortkey and tree_right(t2.tree_sortkey)
                   and t1.object_type = :object_type) t
         where cols.column_name in
                  (select args.arg_name
                     from acs_function_args args
                    where args.function = upper(:package_name) || '__' || upper(:object_name))
           and cols.table_name = t.table_name


Oracle XQL file:
<fullquery name="package_table_columns_for_type.select_object_type_param_list">
	select cols.table_name, cols.column_name
	  from user_tab_columns cols, 
	       (select upper(t.table_name) as table_name
	          from acs_object_types t
                 start with t.object_type = :object_type
               connect by prior t.supertype = t.object_type) t
	 where cols.column_name in
	          (select args.argument_name
                     from user_arguments args
                    where args.position > 0
	              and args.object_name = upper(:object_name)
	              and args.package_name = upper(:package_name))
	   and cols.table_name = t.table_name

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