- Publicity: Public Only All
Procedures used only in admin pages (mostly the user class stuff).
- Location:
- packages/acs-tcl/tcl/admin-procs.tcl
- Created:
- 11/18/98
- Author:
- Multiple
- CVS Identification:
$Id: admin-procs.tcl,v 1.33 2024/10/28 16:04:31 gustafn Exp $
Procedures in this file
- ad_registration_finite_state_machine_admin_links (public)
- ad_restrict_to_https (public)
- ad_user_class_description (public, deprecated)
Detailed information
ad_registration_finite_state_machine_admin_links (public)
ad_registration_finite_state_machine_admin_links [ -nohtml ] \ member_state email_verified_p user_id [ return_url ]
Returns the administration links to change the user's state in the user_state finite state machine. If the nohtml switch is set, then a list of lists will be returned (url label).
- Switches:
- -nohtml (optional, boolean)
- Parameters:
- member_state (required)
- email_verified_p (required)
- user_id (required)
- return_url (optional)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
ad_restrict_to_https (public)
ad_restrict_to_https args why
Redirects user to HTTPS.
- Parameters:
- args (required)
- why (required)
- Author:
- Allen Pulsifer <pulsifer@mediaone.net>
- Created:
- 2 November 2000
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
ad_user_class_description (public, deprecated)
ad_user_class_description set_id
Deprecated. Invoking this procedure generates a warning.
Takes an ns_set of key/value pairs and produces a human-readable description of the class of users specified. DEPRECATED: this was a private api, used nowhere in upstream code. I do not delete it for reference.
- Parameters:
- set_id (required)
- See Also:
- nothing
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Content File Source
ad_library { Procedures used only in admin pages (mostly the user class stuff). @author Multiple @creation-date 11/18/98 @cvs-id $Id: admin-procs.tcl,v 1.33 2024/10/28 16:04:31 gustafn Exp $ } ad_proc -public ad_restrict_to_https {args why} { Redirects user to HTTPS. @author Allen Pulsifer (pulsifer@mediaone.net) @creation-date 2 November 2000 } { if { [security::secure_conn_p] } { return "filter_ok" } ad_returnredirect [security::get_secure_qualified_url [ad_return_url]] # No abort since in filter return "filter_return" } ad_proc -private ad_user_class_parameters {} { Returns the list of parameter var names used to define a user class. } { return { category_id country_code usps_abbrev intranet_user_p group_id last_name_starts_with email_starts_with expensive user_state sex age_above_years age_below_years registration_during_month registration_before_days registration_after_days registration_after_date last_login_before_days last_login_after_days last_login_equals_days number_visits_below number_visits_above user_class_id sql_post_select crm_state curriculum_elements_completed } } ad_proc -deprecated ad_user_class_description { set_id } { Takes an ns_set of key/value pairs and produces a human-readable description of the class of users specified. DEPRECATED: this was a private api, used nowhere in upstream code. I do not delete it for reference. @see nothing } { set clauses [list] set pretty_description "" # turn all the parameters in the ns_set into Tcl vars ad_ns_set_to_tcl_vars -duplicates fail $set_id # All the SQL statements are named after the criteria name (e.g. category_id) foreach criteria [ad_user_class_parameters] { if { [info exists $criteria] && [set $criteria] ne "" } { switch -- $criteria { "category_id" { set pretty_category [db_string $criteria { select category from categories where category_id = :category_id } ] lappend clauses "said they were interested in $pretty_category" } "country_code" { set pretty_country [db_string $criteria { select country_name from country_codes where iso = :country_code } ] lappend clauses "told us that they live in $pretty_country" } "usps_abbrev" { set pretty_state [db_string $criteria { select state_name from states where usps_abbrev = :usps_abbrev } ] lappend clauses "told us that they live in $pretty_state" } "intranet_user_p" { lappend clauses "are an employee" } "group_id" { set group_name [db_string $criteria { select group_name from groups where group_id = :group_id } ] lappend clauses "are a member of $group_name" } "last_name_starts_with" { lappend clauses "have a last name starting with $last_name_starts_with" } "email_starts_with" { lappend clauses "have an email address starting with $email_starts_with" } "expensive" { lappend clauses "have accumulated unpaid charges of more than [parameter::get -parameter ExpensiveThreshold]" } "user_state" { lappend clauses "have user state of $user_state" } "sex" { lappend clauses "are $sex." } "age_above_years" { lappend clauses "is older than $age_above_years years" } "age_below_years" { lappend clauses "is younger than $age_below_years years" } "registration_during_month" { set pretty_during_month [db_string $criteria { select to_char(to_date(:registration_during_month,'YYYYMM'),'fmMonth YYYY') from dual } ] lappend clauses "registered during $pretty_during_month" } "registration_before_days" { lappend clauses "registered over $registration_before_days days ago" } "registration_after_days" { lappend clauses "registered in the last $registration_after_days days" } "registration_after_date" { lappend clauses "registered on or after $registration_after_date" } "last_login_before_days" { lappend clauses "have not visited the site in $last_login_before_days days" } "last_login_after_days" { lappend clauses "have not visited the site in $last_login_after_days days" } "last_login_equals_days" { if { $last_login_equals_days == 1 } { lappend clauses "visited the site exactly 1 day ago" } else { lappend clauses "visited the site exactly $last_login_equals_days days ago" } } "number_of_visits_below" { lappend clauses "have visited less than $number_visits_below times" } "number_of_visits_above" { lappend clauses "have visited more than $number_visits_above times" } "user_class_id" { set pretty_class_name [db_string $criteria { select name from user_classes where user_class_id = :user_class_id } ] lappend clauses "are in the user class $pretty_class_name" } "sql_post_select" { lappend clauses "are returned by \"<i>select users(*) from $sql_post_select</i>" } "crm_state" { lappend clauses "are in the customer state \"$crm_state\"" } "curriculum_elements_completed" { if { $curriculum_elements_completed == 1 } { lappend clauses "who have completed exactly $curriculum_elements_completed curriculum element" } else { lappend clauses "who have completed exactly $curriculum_elements_completed curriculum elements" } } } } } if { [info exists combine_method] && $combine_method eq "or" } { set pretty_description [join $clauses " or "] } else { set pretty_description [join $clauses " and "] } return $pretty_description } d_proc -public ad_registration_finite_state_machine_admin_links { -nohtml:boolean member_state email_verified_p user_id {return_url ""} } { Returns the administration links to change the user's state in the user_state finite state machine. If the nohtml switch is set, then a list of lists will be returned (url label). } { set user_finite_states [list] switch -- $member_state { "approved" { lappend user_finite_states \ [list [export_vars -base "/acs-admin/users/member-state-change" { user_id return_url {member_state banned} }] [_ acs-tcl.ban]] \ [list [export_vars -base "/acs-admin/users/member-state-change" { user_id return_url {member_state deleted} }] [_ acs-tcl.delete]] } "deleted" { lappend user_finite_states \ [list [export_vars -base "/acs-admin/users/member-state-change" { user_id return_url {member_state approved} }] [_ acs-tcl.undelete]] \ [list [export_vars -base "/acs-admin/users/member-state-change" { user_id return_url {member_state banned} }] [_ acs-tcl.ban]] } "needs approval" { lappend user_finite_states \ [list [export_vars -base "/acs-admin/users/member-state-change" { user_id return_url {member_state approved} }] [_ acs-tcl.approve]] \ [list [export_vars -base "/acs-admin/users/member-state-change" { user_id return_url {member_state rejected} }] [_ acs-tcl.reject]] } "rejected" { lappend user_finite_states \ [list [export_vars -base "/acs-admin/users/member-state-change" { user_id return_url {member_state approved} }] [_ acs-tcl.approve]] } "banned" { lappend user_finite_states \ [list [export_vars -base "/acs-admin/users/member-state-change" { user_id return_url {member_state approved} }] [_ acs-tcl.approve]] } } if { $email_verified_p == "t" } { lappend user_finite_states \ [list [export_vars -base "/acs-admin/users/member-state-change" { user_id return_url member_state {email_verified_p f} }] [_ acs-tcl.lt_require_email_verific]] } else { lappend user_finite_states \ [list [export_vars -base "/acs-admin/users/member-state-change" { user_id return_url member_state {email_verified_p t} }] [_ acs-tcl.approve_email]] } if { $nohtml_p } { # Return the list of lists (url label) return $user_finite_states } else { # Build a list of anchor tags set user_finite_state_links {} foreach elm $user_finite_states { lassign $elm url label lappend user_finite_state_links [subst {<a href="[ns_quotehtml $url]">$label</a>}] } return $user_finite_state_links } } # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: