- Publicity: Public Only All
XoWiki - definition of link types and their renderers
- Location:
- packages/xowiki/tcl/link-procs.tcl
- Created:
- 2006-04-15
- Author:
- Gustaf Neumann
- CVS Identification:
$Id: link-procs.tcl,v 1.110 2024/10/24 17:02:23 gustafn Exp $
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::xo::library doc { XoWiki - definition of link types and their renderers @creation-date 2006-04-15 @author Gustaf Neumann @cvs-id $Id: link-procs.tcl,v 1.110 2024/10/24 17:02:23 gustafn Exp $ } namespace eval ::xowiki { # # generic link methods # Class create BaseLink -parameter { cssclass cssid href label title target extra_query_parameter {anchor ""} {query ""} } BaseLink instproc built_in_target {} { # currently, we do not support named frames, which are mostly deprecated return [expr {${:target} in {_blank _self _parent _top}}] } BaseLink instproc anchor_atts {} { set atts {} if {[info exists :title]} {lappend atts "title='[string map [list ' {'}] ${:title}]'"} if {[info exists :target] && [:built_in_target]} { lappend atts "target='${:target}'" } return [join $atts " "] } BaseLink instproc mk_css_class {{-additional ""} {-default ""}} { set cls [expr {[info exists :cssclass] ? ${:cssclass} : $default}] if {$additional ne ""} { if {$cls eq ""} {set cls $additional} else {append cls " " $additional} } if {$cls ne ""} {set cls "class='$cls'"} return $cls } BaseLink instproc mk_css_class_and_id {{-additional ""} {-default ""}} { if {[info exists :cssid]} {set id "id='${:cssid}'"} else {set id ""} set cls [:mk_css_class -additional $additional -default $default] return [string trim "$cls $id"] } # # external links # Class create ExternalLink -superclass BaseLink ExternalLink instproc render {} { set css_atts [:mk_css_class_and_id -additional external] return "<a [:anchor_atts] href='[ns_quotehtml ${:href}]' class='external'>${:label}</a>" } # # internal links # Class create Link -superclass BaseLink -parameter { {type link} name lang stripped_name page parent_id package_id item_id {form ""} revision_id is_self_link } Link instproc init {} { #:log "--L link '${:name}' has item_id <[expr {[info exists :item_id] ? ${:item_id} : {none}}]>" set class [self class]::${:type} if {[:isclass $class]} {:class $class} if {![info exists :name]} { set :name [string trimleft ${:lang}:${:stripped_name} :] } elseif {![info exists :stripped_name]} { # set stripped name and lang from provided name or to the default if {![regexp {^(..):(.*)$} ${:name} _ lang :stripped_name]} { set :stripped_name ${:name} set :lang "" } } if {![info exists :label]} {set :label ${:name}} if {![info exists :parent_id]} {set :parent_id [${:page} parent_id]} if {![info exists :package_id]} {set :package_id [${:page} package_id]} #:log "--L link '${:name}' has class [:info class] // $class // ${:type} // parent ${:parent_id} // page ${:page} // [info exists :item_id]" } Link instproc link_name {-lang -stripped_name} { return $lang:$stripped_name } Link instproc resolve {} { return ${:item_id} } Link instproc render_target {href label} { #ns_log notice render_target if {[info commands ::xowiki::template::${:target}] ne ""} { # # The target template exists. Use the template # # This is a situation, where potentially a # recursive inclusion is happening. The included content is # added to the html output only once, with a unique id, which # can be referenced multiple times. The link is included for # each occurrence. # set targetId [xowiki::Includelet html_id ${:item_id}-${:target}] set page [::xo::db::CrClass get_instance_from_db -item_id ${:item_id} -revision_id 0] set content "Loading ..." set withBody true if {[::xowiki::template::${:target} render_content]} { set key ::__xowiki_link_rendered($targetId) if {![info exists $key]} { set $key 1 set content [$page render_content] } else { #ns_log notice "modal with is already included: $key" set page ::${:item_id} set withBody false } } set result [::xowiki::template::${:target} render \ -with_body $withBody \ -title [$page title] \ -id $targetId \ -content $content \ -label $label \ -href $href] return $result } else { ns_log notice "xowiki::link: unknown target ${:target}" return "<a [:anchor_atts] [:mk_css_class_and_id] href='[ns_quotehtml $href]'>$label</a>" } } Link instproc render_found {href label} { if {$href eq ""} { return "<span class='refused-link'>$label</span>" } elseif {[info exists :target] && ![:built_in_target]} { return [:render_target $href $label] } else { return "<a [:anchor_atts] [:mk_css_class_and_id] href='[ns_quotehtml $href]'>$label</a>" } } Link instproc render_not_found {href label} { if {$href eq ""} { return \[$label\] } else { return "<a [:mk_css_class_and_id -additional missing] href='[ns_quotehtml $href]'>$label</a>" } } Link instproc pretty_link {item_id} { if {$item_id == 0} { set pageArg "" } else { set obj ::$item_id if {![nsf::is object $obj]} { set obj [::xo::db::CrClass get_instance_from_db -item_id $item_id] } set pageArg [list -page $obj] } return [::${:package_id} pretty_link \ -parent_id ${:parent_id} \ -lang ${:lang} \ -anchor ${:anchor} \ -query ${:query} \ {*}$pageArg \ ${:name}] } Link instproc new_link {} { set nls_language [${:page} get_nls_language_from_lang ${:lang}] if {${:form} ne ""} { return [::${:package_id} make_form_link \ -form ${:form} \ -parent_id ${:parent_id} \ -name ${:name} \ -nls_language $nls_language] } if {[${:page} exists __unresolved_object_type]} { # # get the desired object_type for unresolved entries # set object_type [${:page} set __unresolved_object_type] } else { set object_type [[${:page} info class] set object_type] if {$object_type ne "::xowiki::Page" && $object_type ne "::xowiki::PlainPage"} { # # TODO: this is a temporary solution. We should find a way to # pass similar to file or image entries the type of this # entry. Maybe we can get the type as well from a kind of # blackboard, where the type of the "edit" wiki-menu-entry is # stored as well. # set object_type ::xowiki::Page } } return [${:page} new_link \ {*}[expr {[info exists object_type] ? [list -object_type $object_type] : {}}] \ -name ${:name} -title ${:label} -parent_id ${:parent_id} \ -nls_language $nls_language ${:package_id}] } Link instproc render {} { set item_id [:resolve] if {$item_id} { ${:page} references resolved [list $item_id ${:type}] ::xowiki::Package require ${:package_id} if {![info exists :href]} { set :href [:pretty_link $item_id] } :render_found ${:href} ${:label} } else { set new_link [:new_link] set html [:render_not_found $new_link ${:label}] ${:page} references unresolved \ [list parent_id ${:parent_id} name ${:name} link_type ${:type} html $html] return $html } } Link instproc lookup_xowiki_package_by_name {name start_package_id} { set ancestors [site_node::get_ancestors \ -node_id $start_package_id \ -element node_id] foreach a $ancestors { set package_id [site_node::get_children -node_id $a -package_key xowiki \ -filters [list name $name] -element package_id] if {$package_id ne ""} { #:log "--LINK found package_id=$package_id [nsf::is object ::$package_id]" ::xowiki::Package require $package_id return $package_id } } return 0 } # # Link template # ::xotcl::Class create ::xowiki::LinkTemplate -parameter {link_template body_template {render_content true}} ::xowiki::LinkTemplate instproc render { {-with_link:boolean true} {-with_body:boolean true} {-title "TITLE"} {-id "ID"} {-content ""} {-label "LABEL"} {-href ""} } { set result "" # this can be used into templates as id to safely attach event # handlers to elements set timed_id [clock microseconds] if {$with_link} {append result [subst [:link_template]]} if {$with_body} {append result [subst [:body_template]]} return $result } # # # # Small bootstrap modal # # # ::xowiki::LinkTemplate create ::xowiki::template::modal-sm -link_template { # <a href="#[ns_quotehtml $id]" role="button" data-toggle="modal">$label</a> # } -body_template { # <div class="modal fade" id="$id" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-hidden="true"> # <div class="modal-dialog modal-sm"> # <div class="modal-content"> # <div class="modal-header"> # <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal"><span aria-hidden="true">×</span><span class="sr-only">#acs-kernel.common_Close#</span></button> # <h4 class="modal-title">$title</h4> # </div> # <div class="modal-body"> # $content # </div> # <div class="modal-footer"> # <button type="button" class="btn [::template::CSS class btn-default]" data-dismiss="modal">#acs-kernel.common_Close#</button> # </div> # </div><!-- /.modal-content --> # </div><!-- /.modal-dialog --> # </div><!-- /.modal --> # } # # # # Large bootstrap modal # # # ::xowiki::LinkTemplate create ::xowiki::template::modal-lg -link_template { # <a href="#[ns_quotehtml $id]" role="button" data-toggle="modal">$label</a> # } -body_template { # <div class="modal fade" id="[ns_quotehtml $id]" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-hidden="true"> # <div class="modal-dialog modal-lg"> # <div class="modal-content"> # <div class="modal-header"> # <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal"><span aria-hidden="true">×</span><span class="sr-only">#acs-kernel.common_Close#</span></button> # <h4 class="modal-title">$title</h4> # </div> # <div class="modal-body"> # $content # </div> # <div class="modal-footer"> # <button type="button" class="btn [::template::CSS class btn-default]" data-dismiss="modal">#acs-kernel.common_Close#</button> # </div> # </div><!-- /.modal-content --> # </div><!-- /.modal-dialog --> # </div><!-- /.modal --> # } # # # # Small bootstrap modal using ajax # # # ::xowiki::LinkTemplate create ::xowiki::template::modal-sm-ajax -render_content false -link_template { # <a href="[ns_quotehtml $href]?template_file=view-modal-content" id='[ns_quotehtml $id]-button' role="button" data-target='#$id' data-toggle="modal">$label</a> # } -body_template { # <div class="modal fade" id="$id" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-hidden="true"> # <div class="modal-dialog modal-sm"> # <div class="modal-content"> # This will be replaced # </div> # </div><!-- /.modal-dialog --> # </div><!-- /.modal --> # <script type='text/javascript' nonce='[security::csp::nonce]'> # \$('.modal').on('show.bs.modal', function(event) { # var idx = \$('.modal:visible').length; # \$(this).css('z-index', 1040 + (10 * idx)); # }); # \$('.modal').on('shown.bs.modal', function(event) { # var idx = (\$('.modal:visible').length) -1; // raise backdrop after animation. # \$('.modal-backdrop').not('.stacked').css('z-index', 1039 + (10 * idx)); # \$('.modal-backdrop').not('.stacked').addClass('stacked'); # }); # </script> # } # # # # Large bootstrap modal using ajax # # # ::xowiki::LinkTemplate create ::xowiki::template::modal-lg-ajax -render_content false -link_template { # <a href="[ns_quotehtml $href]?template_file=view-modal-content" id='$id-button' role="button" data-target='#$id' data-toggle="modal">$label</a> # } -body_template { # <div class="modal fade" id="$id" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-hidden="true"> # <div class="modal-dialog modal-lg"> # <div class="modal-content"> # This will be replaced # </div> # </div><!-- /.modal-dialog --> # </div><!-- /.modal --> # <script type='text/javascript' nonce='[security::csp::nonce]'> # \$('.modal').on('show.bs.modal', function(event) { # var idx = \$('.modal:visible').length; # \$(this).css('z-index', 1040 + (10 * idx)); # }); # \$('.modal').on('shown.bs.modal', function(event) { # var idx = (\$('.modal:visible').length) -1; // raise backdrop after animation. # \$('.modal-backdrop').not('.stacked').css('z-index', 1039 + (10 * idx)); # \$('.modal-backdrop').not('.stacked').addClass('stacked'); # }); # </script> # } # # folder links # Class create ::xowiki::Link::folder -superclass ::xowiki::Link ::xowiki::Link::folder instproc link_name {-lang -stripped_name} { return $stripped_name } ::xowiki::Link::folder instproc pretty_link {item_id} { set page [expr {$item_id == 0 ? "" : "-page ::$item_id"}] return [::${:package_id} pretty_link \ -anchor ${:anchor} -parent_id ${:parent_id} -query ${:query} \ {*}$page \ ${:name} ] } # # language links # Class create ::xowiki::Link::language -superclass ::xowiki::Link -parameter { return_only } ::xowiki::Link::language instproc render {} { set item_id [:resolve] if {$item_id} { set image_css_class "found" set link [::${:package_id} pretty_link \ -lang ${:lang} -parent_id ${:parent_id} \ -page $item_id \ ${:stripped_name}] } else { set image_css_class "undefined" set last_page_id [${:page} set item_id] set object_type [[${:page} info class] set object_type] set name ${:name} set link [::${:package_id} make_link ${:package_id} \ edit-new object_type name last_page_id] } # :log "--lang_link=$link" if {[info exists :return_only] && ${:return_only} ne $image_css_class} { set link "" } if {$link ne ""} { ${:page} lappend lang_links($image_css_class) \ "<a href='[ns_quotehtml $link]' [:mk_css_class_and_id]><img class='[ns_quotehtml $image_css_class]' \ src='/resources/xowiki/flags/${:lang}.png' alt='${:lang}'></a>" } return "" } # # image links # Class create ::xowiki::Link::image -superclass ::xowiki::Link \ -parameter { center float width height padding padding-right padding-left padding-top padding-bottom margin margin-left margin-right margin-top margin-bottom border border-width position top bottom left right } ::xowiki::Link::image instproc resolve_href {href} { set l [${:page} create_link $href] if {[$l istype ::xowiki::ExternalLink]} { set href [$l href] } else { set href_item_id [$l resolve] set href [$l pretty_link $href_item_id] } return $href } ::xowiki::Link::image instproc render {} { set item_id [:resolve] #:log "-- image resolve for ${:page} returned $item_id (name=${:name}, label=${:label})" if {$item_id != 0} { set link [::${:package_id} pretty_link \ -download true \ -query ${:query} \ -absolute [expr {[${:page} exists absolute_links] ? [${:page} absolute_links] : 0}] \ -parent_id ${:parent_id} \ -page $item_id \ ${:name}] #:log "--l fully quali [${:page} absolute_links], link=$link [info commands ::$item_id]" ${:page} references resolved [list $item_id ${:type}] :render_found $link ${:label} } else { set last_page_id [${:page} set item_id] set object_type ::xowiki::File set name ${:name} set link [::${:package_id} make_link ${:package_id} edit-new object_type \ [list parent_id ${:parent_id}] \ [list title [ad_html_to_text -no_format -- ${:label}]] \ [list return_url [::xo::cc url]] \ autoname name last_page_id] set html [:render_not_found $link ${:label}] ${:page} references unresolved \ [list parent_id ${:parent_id} name ${:name} link_type ${:type} html $html] return $html } } ::xowiki::Link::image instproc render_found {link label} { set style ""; set pre ""; set post "" foreach a { float width height center padding padding-right padding-left padding-top padding-bottom margin margin-left margin-right margin-top margin-bottom border border-width position top bottom left right } { if {[info exists :$a]} { if {$a eq "center"} {set pre "<center>"; set post "</center>"; continue} append style "$a: [set :$a];" } } if {$style ne ""} { set style "style='$style'" } if {[info exists :geometry]} { append link "?geometry=${:geometry}" } #set label [string map [list ' "'"] $label] set href [expr {[info exists :href] ? ${:href} : ""}] set cls [:mk_css_class_and_id -default [expr {$link ne "" ? "image" : "refused-link"}]] if {$href ne ""} { set href [:resolve_href $href] if {[string match "java*" $href]} { set href . } if {[info exists :revision_id]} { append href ?revision_id=${:revision_id} } return [subst {$pre<a $cls href='[ns_quotehtml $href]'><img $cls src='[ns_quotehtml $link]' alt='$label' title='$label' $style></a>$post}] } else { if {[info exists :revision_id]} {append link ?revision_id=${:revision_id}} return [subst {$pre<img $cls src='[ns_quotehtml $link]' alt='$label' title='$label' $style>$post}] } } # # localimage link # Class create ::xowiki::Link::localimage -superclass ::xowiki::Link::image ::xowiki::Link::localimage instproc render {} { :render_found ${:href} ${:label} } # # # file link # Class create ::xowiki::Link::file -superclass ::xowiki::Link::image -parameter { width height hidden } foreach deprecated_attribute { align name pluginspage pluginurl href autostart loop volume controls controller mastersound starttime endtime } { ::xowiki::Link::file ad_instproc -private -deprecated $deprecated_attribute {value:optional} { Provide warning for deprecated HTML attribute; this will be removed in releases after OpenACS 5.10. } { if {[info exists value]} { set :[self proc] $value } return [set :[self proc]] } } ::xowiki::Link::file instproc render_found {internal_href label} { # # Many of the attributes below are from HTML4 and deprecated (see # "deprecated_attribute" above). We just removed "href" from the list # of still accepted attributes, since this is set often via BaseLink, # and it could harm applications, where the "<EMBED href> variant of the # stopped working due to newer browsers, stopping to support legacy # HTML attributes. # foreach f { width height align pluginspage pluginurl hidden href autostart loop volume controls controller mastersound starttime endtime } { if {[info exists :$f]} { append embed_options "$f = '[set :$f]' " } } if {[info exists :extra_query_parameter]} { set pairs {} foreach {pair} ${:extra_query_parameter} { lappend pairs [lindex $pair 0]=[ns_urlencode [lindex $pair 1]] } append internal_href ?[string map [list ' "'"] [join $pairs &]] if {[info exists :revision_id]} {append internal_href &revision_id=${:revision_id}} } else { if {[info exists :revision_id]} {append internal_href ?revision_id=${:revision_id}} } if {![info exists embed_options]} { return "<a href='[ns_quotehtml $internal_href]' [:mk_css_class_and_id -additional file]>$label</a>" } else { set internal_href [string map [list %2e .] $internal_href] return "<embed src='[ns_quotehtml $internal_href]' name=\"${:name}\" $embed_options></embed>" } } # # css link # Class create ::xowiki::Link::css -superclass ::xowiki::Link::file -parameter { order } ::xowiki::Link::css instproc render_found {href label} { if {[info exists :order]} { ::xo::Page requireCSS -order ${:order} $href } else { ::xo::Page requireCSS $href } return "" } # # js link # Class create ::xowiki::Link::js -superclass ::xowiki::Link::file -parameter { } ::xowiki::Link::js instproc render_found {href label} { ::xo::Page requireJS $href return "" } # # swf link # Class create ::xowiki::Link::swf -superclass ::xowiki::Link::file -parameter { width height bgcolor version quality wmode align salign play loop menu scale } ::xowiki::Link::swf instproc render_found {href label} { ::xo::Page requireJS /resources/xowiki/swfobject.js #set link [::${:package_id} pretty_link -absolute true -siteurl http://localhost:8003 ${:name}]/download.swf lassign {320 240 7} width height version foreach a {width height version} {if {[info exists :$a]} {set $a [set :$a]}} set id [::xowiki::Includelet html_id ${:item_id}] set addParams "" foreach a {quality wmode align salign play loop menu scale} { if {[info exists :$a]} {append addParams "so.addParam('$a', '[set :$a]');\n"} } return [ns_trim [subst {<div id='[ns_quotehtml $id]'>$label</div> <script type='text/javascript' nonce='[security::csp::nonce]'> var so = new SWFObject('[ns_quotehtml $href]', '[ns_quotehtml ${:name}]', '[ns_quotehtml $width]', '[ns_quotehtml $height]', '[ns_quotehtml $version]'); $addParams so.write('$id'); </script> }]] } # # glossary links # Class create ::xowiki::Link::glossary -superclass ::xowiki::Link ::xowiki::Link::glossary instproc resolve {} { # look for a package instance of xowiki, named "glossary" (the type) set id [:lookup_xowiki_package_by_name ${:type} \ [site_node::get_node_id_from_object_id -object_id ${:package_id}]] #:log "--LINK glossary lookup returned package_id $id" if {$id > 0} { # set correct package id for rendering the link set :package_id $id #:log "-- INITIALIZE $id" #::xowiki::Package initialize -package_id $id #:log "--u setting package_id to $id" # lookup the item from the found folder return [::xo::db::CrClass lookup -name ${:name} -parent_id [$id set parent_id]] } #:log "--LINK no page found ${:name}, ${:lang}, type=${:type}." return 0 } ::xowiki::Link::glossary instproc render_found {href label} { ::xo::Page requireJS urn:ad:js:get-http-object ::xo::Page requireJS "/resources/xowiki/popup-handler.js" ::xo::Page requireJS "/resources/xowiki/overlib/overlib.js" if {![info exists :cssid]} {:cssid [::xowiki::Includelet html_id [self]]} template::add_event_listener \ -id ${:cssid} \ -script [subst {showInfo('[ns_quotehtml $href?master=0]','$label')}] return "<a href='[ns_quotehtml $href]' [:mk_css_class_and_id -additional glossary]>$label</a>" } # # Link cache - deactivated. # When it will become activated again, it should get its own cache. # # Class create LinkCache # LinkCache proc flush {parent_id {item_id ""}} { # if {$item_id eq ""} { # :acs::clusterwide acs::cache_flush_pattern xowiki_cache link-*-$name-$parent_id # } else { # foreach entry [ns_cache names xowiki_cache link-*-$parent_id] { # array set tmp [ns_cache get xowiki_cache $entry] # if {$tmp(item_id) == $item_id} { # ::acs::clusterwide ns_cache flush xowiki_cache $entry # } # } # } # } # LinkCache instproc resolve {} { # set key link-${:type}-${:name}-${:parent_id} # while {1} { # array set r [ns_cache eval xowiki_cache $key { # set id [next] # if {$id == 0 || $id eq ""} break ;# don't cache # return [list item_id $id package_id ${:package_id}] # }] # break # } # if {![info exists r(item_id)]} {return 0} # # we have a valid item. Set the package_id and return the item_id # :package_id $r(package_id) # return $r(item_id) # } # Link instmixin add LinkCache } ::xo::library source_dependent # # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 2 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: