
Provides a simple API for reliably sending email. (Legacy and deprecated procs)

21 June 2018
Hector Romojaro <hector.romojaro@gmail.com>
CVS Identification:
$Id: legacy-inbound-procs.tcl,v 2022/08/23 18:44:54 gustafn Exp $

Procedures in this file

Detailed information

acs_mail_lite::autoreply_p (public, deprecated)

 acs_mail_lite::autoreply_p [ -subject subject ] [ -from from ]
Deprecated. Invoking this procedure generates a warning.

Parse the subject, from and body to determine if the email is an auto reply Typical autoreplies are "Out of office" messages. This is what the procedure does

Subject of the Email that will be scanned for "out of office"
From address which will be checked if it is coming from a mailer daemon
1 if this is actually an autoreply
See Also:

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 acs_mail_lite::load_mails acs_mail_lite::load_mails (public, deprecated) acs_mail_lite::autoreply_p acs_mail_lite::autoreply_p acs_mail_lite::load_mails->acs_mail_lite::autoreply_p ad_log_deprecated ad_log_deprecated (public) acs_mail_lite::autoreply_p->ad_log_deprecated

No testcase defined.

acs_mail_lite::bouncing_email_p (public, deprecated)

 acs_mail_lite::bouncing_email_p -email email
Deprecated. Invoking this procedure generates a warning.

Checks if email address is bouncing mail

email address to be checked for bouncing
boolean 1 if bouncing 0 if ok.
See Also:

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 acs_mail_lite::bouncing_user_p acs_mail_lite::bouncing_user_p (private) ad_log_deprecated ad_log_deprecated (public) party::get_by_email party::get_by_email (public) acs_mail_lite::bouncing_email_p acs_mail_lite::bouncing_email_p acs_mail_lite::bouncing_email_p->acs_mail_lite::bouncing_user_p acs_mail_lite::bouncing_email_p->ad_log_deprecated acs_mail_lite::bouncing_email_p->party::get_by_email

No testcase defined.

acs_mail_lite::load_mails (public, deprecated)

 acs_mail_lite::load_mails -queue_dir queue_dir
Deprecated. Invoking this procedure generates a warning.

Scans for incoming email. The function requires incoming emails that comply to the following syntax rule:


        [] = optional
        <> = Package Parameters
If no SitePrefix is set we assume that there is only one OpenACS installation. Otherwise only messages are dealt with which contain a SitePrefix. ReplyPrefixes are provided by packages that implement the callback acs_mail_lite::incoming_email and provide a package parameter called ReplyPrefix. Only implementations are considered where the implementation name is equal to the package key of the package. Also we only deal with messages that contain a valid and registered ReplyPrefix. These prefixes are automatically set in the acs_mail_lite_prefixes table.

The location of the qmail mail (BounceMailDir) queue in the file-system i.e. /home/service0/mail.
Nima Mazloumi <nima.mazloumi@gmx.de>
See Also:

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 acs_mail_lite::scan_replies acs_mail_lite::scan_replies (public, deprecated) acs_mail_lite::load_mails acs_mail_lite::load_mails acs_mail_lite::scan_replies->acs_mail_lite::load_mails acs_mail_lite::autoreply_p acs_mail_lite::autoreply_p (public, deprecated) acs_mail_lite::load_mails->acs_mail_lite::autoreply_p acs_mail_lite::parse_email acs_mail_lite::parse_email (private) acs_mail_lite::load_mails->acs_mail_lite::parse_email acs_mail_lite::parse_email_address acs_mail_lite::parse_email_address (private) acs_mail_lite::load_mails->acs_mail_lite::parse_email_address acs_object::object_p acs_object::object_p (public) acs_mail_lite::load_mails->acs_object::object_p ad_log_deprecated ad_log_deprecated (public) acs_mail_lite::load_mails->ad_log_deprecated

No testcase defined.

acs_mail_lite::parse_bounce_address (public, deprecated)

 acs_mail_lite::parse_bounce_address -bounce_address bounce_address
Deprecated. Invoking this procedure generates a warning.

This takes a reply address, checks it for consistency, and returns a list of user_id, package_id and bounce_signature found

bounce address to be checked
tcl-list of user_id package_id bounce_signature
See Also:

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 callback::acs_mail_lite::incoming_email::impl::acs-mail-lite callback::acs_mail_lite::incoming_email::impl::acs-mail-lite (private, deprecated) acs_mail_lite::parse_bounce_address acs_mail_lite::parse_bounce_address callback::acs_mail_lite::incoming_email::impl::acs-mail-lite->acs_mail_lite::parse_bounce_address acs_mail_lite::bounce_prefix acs_mail_lite::bounce_prefix (private) acs_mail_lite::parse_bounce_address->acs_mail_lite::bounce_prefix ad_log_deprecated ad_log_deprecated (public) acs_mail_lite::parse_bounce_address->ad_log_deprecated

No testcase defined.

acs_mail_lite::parse_email (private)

 acs_mail_lite::parse_email -file file -array array

An email is split into several parts: headers, bodies and files lists and all headers directly. The headers consists of a list with header names as keys and their corresponding values. All keys are lowercase. The bodies consists of a list with two elements: content-type and content. The files consists of a list with three elements: content-type, filename and content. The array with all the above data is upvared to the caller environment. Important headers are: -message-id (a unique id for the email, is different for each email except it was bounced from a mailer daemon) -subject -from -to Others possible headers: -date -received -references (this references the original message id if the email is a reply) -in-reply-to (this references the original message id if the email is a reply) -return-path (this is used for mailer daemons to bounce emails back like bounce-user_id-signature-package_id@service0.com) Optional application specific stuff only exist in special cases: X-Mozilla-Status X-Virus-Scanned X-Mozilla-Status2 X-UIDL X-Account-Key X-Sasl-enc You can therefore get a value for a header either through iterating the headers list or simply by calling i.e. "set message_id $email(message-id)". Note: We assume "application/octet-stream" for all attachments and "base64" for as transfer encoding for all files. Note: tcllib required - mime, base64

Nima Mazloumi <nima.mazloumi@gmx.de>

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 acs_mail_lite::load_mails acs_mail_lite::load_mails (public, deprecated) acs_mail_lite::parse_email acs_mail_lite::parse_email acs_mail_lite::load_mails->acs_mail_lite::parse_email mime::finalize mime::finalize acs_mail_lite::parse_email->mime::finalize mime::getbody mime::getbody acs_mail_lite::parse_email->mime::getbody mime::getheader mime::getheader acs_mail_lite::parse_email->mime::getheader mime::getproperty mime::getproperty acs_mail_lite::parse_email->mime::getproperty mime::initialize mime::initialize acs_mail_lite::parse_email->mime::initialize

No testcase defined.

acs_mail_lite::record_bounce (public, deprecated)

 acs_mail_lite::record_bounce [ -user_id user_id ] [ -email email ]
Deprecated. Invoking this procedure generates a warning.

Records that an email bounce for this user

See Also:

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 callback::acs_mail_lite::incoming_email::impl::acs-mail-lite callback::acs_mail_lite::incoming_email::impl::acs-mail-lite (private, deprecated) acs_mail_lite::record_bounce acs_mail_lite::record_bounce callback::acs_mail_lite::incoming_email::impl::acs-mail-lite->acs_mail_lite::record_bounce acs_mail_lite::bouncing_user_p acs_mail_lite::bouncing_user_p (private) acs_mail_lite::record_bounce->acs_mail_lite::bouncing_user_p ad_log_deprecated ad_log_deprecated (public) acs_mail_lite::record_bounce->ad_log_deprecated db_dml db_dml (public) acs_mail_lite::record_bounce->db_dml db_resultrows db_resultrows (public) acs_mail_lite::record_bounce->db_resultrows party::get_by_email party::get_by_email (public) acs_mail_lite::record_bounce->party::get_by_email

No testcase defined.

acs_mail_lite::scan_replies (public, deprecated)

Deprecated. Invoking this procedure generates a warning.

Scheduled procedure that will scan for bounced mails

See Also:

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 acs_mail_lite::load_mails acs_mail_lite::load_mails (public, deprecated) acs_mail_lite::mail_dir acs_mail_lite::mail_dir (private) ad_log_deprecated ad_log_deprecated (public) ad_try ad_try (public) acs_mail_lite::scan_replies acs_mail_lite::scan_replies acs_mail_lite::scan_replies->acs_mail_lite::load_mails acs_mail_lite::scan_replies->acs_mail_lite::mail_dir acs_mail_lite::scan_replies->ad_log_deprecated acs_mail_lite::scan_replies->ad_try

No testcase defined.
[ hide source ]

Content File Source

ad_library {

    Provides a simple API for reliably sending email.

    (Legacy and deprecated procs)

    @author Hector Romojaro (hector.romojaro@gmail.com)
    @creation-date 21 June 2018
    @cvs-id $Id: legacy-inbound-procs.tcl,v 2022/08/23 18:44:54 gustafn Exp $


package require mime 1.4
package require smtp 1.4
package require base64 2.3.1
namespace eval acs_mail_lite {

    d_proc -deprecated load_mails {
    } {
        Scans for incoming email. The function requires
        incoming emails that comply to the following syntax rule:

        [] = optional
        &lt;&gt; = Package Parameters

        If no SitePrefix is set we assume that there is only one
        OpenACS installation. Otherwise only messages are dealt with
        which contain a SitePrefix.

        ReplyPrefixes are provided by packages that implement the
        callback acs_mail_lite::incoming_email and provide a package
        parameter called ReplyPrefix. Only implementations are
        considered where the implementation name is equal to the
        package key of the package.

        Also we only deal with messages that contain a valid and
        registered ReplyPrefix.  These prefixes are automatically set
        in the acs_mail_lite_prefixes table.

        @author Nima Mazloumi (nima.mazloumi@gmx.de)
        @creation-date 2005-07-15

        @option queue_dir The location of the qmail mail
                (BounceMailDir) queue in the file-system
                i.e. /home/service0/mail.

        @see acs_mail_lite::incoming_email
        @see acs_mail_lite::parse_email
    } {

        # get list of all incoming mail
        if {[catch {
            set messages [glob "$queue_dir/new/*"]
        } errmsg]} {
            if {[string match "no files matched glob pattern*"  $errmsg ]} {
                ns_log Debug "load_mails: queue dir = $queue_dir/new/*, no messages"
            } else {
                ns_log Error "load_mails: queue dir = $queue_dir/new/ error $errmsg"
            return [list]

        # loop over every incoming mail
        foreach msg $messages {
            ns_log Debug "load_mails: opening $msg"
            array set email {}

            # This will parse the E-mail and extract the files to the filesystem
            parse_email -file $msg -array email

            set email(to) [parse_email_address -email $email(to)]
            set email(from) [parse_email_address -email $email(from)]
            set subject [lindex $email(subject) 0]
            if {$email(bodies) eq ""} {
                ns_log Notice "E-Mail without body"

            # Do no execute any callbacks if the email is an autoreply.
            # Thanks to Vinod for the idea and the code
            set callback_executed_p [acs_mail_lite::autoreply_p \
                                         -subject $subject \
                                         -from $email(from)]

            if {!$callback_executed_p} {
                # Special treatment for e-mails which look like they contain an object_id
                set pot_object_id [lindex [split $email(to) "@"] 0]
                ns_log Debug "Object_id for mail:: $pot_object_id"
                if {[string is integer -strict  $pot_object_id]} {
                    if {[acs_object::object_p -id $pot_object_id]} {
                        callback acs_mail_lite::incoming_object_email \
                            -array email \
                            -object_id $pot_object_id

                        # Mark that the callback has been executed already
                        set no_callback_p 1

            if {!$callback_executed_p} {
                # We execute all callbacks now
                callback acs_mail_lite::incoming_email -array email

            #let's delete the file now
            if {[catch {file delete -- $msg} errmsg]} {
                ns_log Error "load_mails: unable to delete queued message $msg: $errmsg"
            } else {
                ns_log Debug "load_mails: deleted $msg"

    d_proc -private parse_email {
    } {
        An email is split into several parts: headers, bodies and
        files lists and all headers directly.

        The headers consists of a list with header names as keys and
        their corresponding values. All keys are lowercase.  The
        bodies consists of a list with two elements: content-type and
        content.  The files consists of a list with three elements:
        content-type, filename and content.

        The array with all the above data is upvared to the caller environment.

        Important headers are:

        -message-id (a unique id for the email, is different for each email except it was bounced from a mailer daemon)

        Others possible headers:

        -references (this references the original message id if the email is a reply)
        -in-reply-to (this references the original message id if the email is a reply)
        -return-path (this is used for mailer daemons to bounce emails back like bounce-user_id-signature-package_id@service0.com)

        Optional application specific stuff only exist in special cases:


        You can therefore get a value for a header either through iterating the headers list or simply by calling i.e. "set message_id $email(message-id)".

        Note: We assume "application/octet-stream" for all attachments and "base64" for
        as transfer encoding for all files.

        Note: tcllib required - mime, base64

        @author Nima Mazloumi (nima.mazloumi@gmx.de)
        @creation-date 2005-07-15

    } {
        upvar $array email

        #prepare the message
        if {[catch {set mime [mime::initialize -file $file]} errormsg]} {
            ns_log error "Email could not be delivered for file $file"
            set stream [open $file]
            set content [read $stream]
            close $stream
            ns_log error $content
            file delete -- $file

        #get the content type
        set content [mime::getproperty $mime content]

        #get all available headers
        set keys [mime::getheader $mime -names]

        set headers [list]

        # create both the headers array and all headers directly for the email array
        foreach header $keys {
            set value [mime::getheader $mime $header]
            set email([string tolower $header]) $value
            lappend headers [list $header $value]

        set email(headers) $headers

        #check for multipart, otherwise we only have one part
        if { [string first "multipart" $content] != -1 } {
            set parts [mime::getproperty $mime parts]
        } else {
            set parts [list $mime]

        # travers the tree and extract parts into a flat list
        set all_parts [list]
        foreach part $parts {
            if {[mime::getproperty $part content] eq "multipart/alternative"} {
                foreach child_part [mime::getproperty $part parts] {
                    lappend all_parts $child_part
            } else {
                lappend all_parts $part

        set bodies [list]
        set files [list]

        #now extract all parts (bodies/files) and fill the email array
        foreach part $all_parts {
            # Attachments have a "Content-disposition" part
            # Therefore, we filter out if it is an attachment here
            if {[catch {mime::getheader $part Content-disposition}] || [mime::getheader $part Content-disposition] eq "inline"} {
                switch [mime::getproperty $part content] {
                    "text/plain" {
                        lappend bodies [list "text/plain" [mime::getbody $part]]
                    "text/html" {
                        lappend bodies [list "text/html" [mime::getbody $part]]
            } else {
                set encoding [mime::getproperty $part encoding]
                set body [mime::getbody $part -decode]
                set content  $body
                set params [mime::getproperty $part params]
                array set param $params

                # Append the file if there exist a filename to use. Otherwise do not append
                if {[info exists param(name)] && $param(name) ne ""} {
                    set filename $param(name)

                    # Determine the content_type
                    set content_type [mime::getproperty $part content]
                    if {$content_type eq "application/octet-stream"} {
                        set content_type [ns_guesstype $filename]

                    lappend files [list $content_type $encoding $filename $content]

        set email(bodies) $bodies
        set email(files) $files

        #release the message
        mime::finalize $mime -subordinates all

    d_proc -public -deprecated autoreply_p {
        {-subject ""}
        {-from ""}
    } {
        Parse the subject, from and body to determine if the email is an auto reply
        Typical autoreplies are "Out of office" messages. This is what the procedure does

        @param subject Subject of the Email that will be scanned for "out of office"
        @param from From address which will be checked if it is coming from a mailer daemon

        @return 1 if this is actually an autoreply

        @see acs_mail_lite::email_type
    } {
        set autoreply_p 0
        if {$subject ne ""} {
        # check subject
            set autoreply_p [regexp -nocase "(out of.*office|automated response|autoreply)" $subject]
            set autoreply_p [regexp "NDN" $subject]
            set autoreply_p [regexp "\[QuickML\] Error" $subject]

        if {$from ne ""} {
        # check from if it comes from the mailer daemon
            set autoreply_p [regexp -nocase "mailer.*daemon" $from]
        return $autoreply_p

    d_proc -public -deprecated parse_bounce_address {
    } {
        This takes a reply address, checks it for consistency,
        and returns a list of user_id, package_id and bounce_signature found

        @option bounce_address bounce address to be checked
        @return tcl-list of user_id package_id bounce_signature
        @see acs_mail_lite::inbound_email_context
    } {
        set regexp_str "\[[bounce_prefix]\]-(\[0-9\]+)-(\[^-\]+)-(\[0-9\]*)\@"
        if {![regexp $regexp_str $bounce_address all user_id signature package_id]} {
            ns_log Debug "acs-mail-lite: bounce address not found for $bounce_address"
            return ""
        return [list $user_id $package_id $signature]

    d_proc -deprecated -public bouncing_email_p {
    } {
        Checks if email address is bouncing mail
        @option email email address to be checked for bouncing
        @return boolean 1 if bouncing 0 if ok.
        @see acs_mail_lite::bouncing_user_p
    } {
        return [bouncing_user_p \
                    -user_id [party::get_by_email -email $email]]

    ad_proc -deprecated -public scan_replies {} {
        Scheduled procedure that will scan for bounced mails
        @see acs_mail_lite::check_bounces
    } {
        # Make sure that only one thread is processing the queue at a time.
        if {[nsv_incr acs_mail_lite check_bounce_p] > 1} {
            nsv_incr acs_mail_lite check_bounce_p -1

        ad_try  {
            ns_log Debug "acs-mail-lite: about to load qmail queue for [mail_dir]"
            load_mails -queue_dir [mail_dir]
        } finally {
            nsv_incr acs_mail_lite check_bounce_p -1

    d_proc -deprecated -public record_bounce {
        {-user_id ""}
        {-email ""}
    } {
        Records that an email bounce for this user
        @see acs_mail_lite::bounce_ministry
    } {
        if {$user_id eq ""} {
            set user_id [party::get_by_email -email $email]
        if { $user_id ne "" && ![acs_mail_lite::bouncing_user_p -user_id $user_id] } {
            ns_log Debug "acs_mail_lite::incoming_email impl acs-mail-lite: Bouncing email from user $user_id"
            # record the bounce in the database
            db_dml record_bounce {}

            if {![db_resultrows]} {
                db_dml insert_bounce {}

# Local variables:
#    mode: tcl
#    tcl-indent-level: 4
#    indent-tabs-mode: nil
# End: