workflow::case::action::execute (public)

 workflow::case::action::execute [ -no_notification ] \
    [ -no_perm_check ] [ -no_logging ] \
    [ -enabled_action_id enabled_action_id ] [ -case_id case_id ] \
    [ -action_id action_id ] \
    [ -parent_enabled_action_id parent_enabled_action_id ] \
    [ -comment comment ] [ -comment_mime_type comment_mime_type ] \
    [ -user_id user_id ] [ -initial ] [ -entry_id entry_id ] \
    [ -package_id package_id ]

Defined in packages/workflow/tcl/case-procs.tcl

Execute the action. Either provide (case_id, action_id, parent_enabled_action_id), or simply enabled_action_id.

(boolean) (optional)
(boolean) (optional)
Set this switch if you do not want to have any workflow_case loggings.
(boolean) (optional)
The ID of the enabled action to execute. Alternatively, you can specify the case_id/action_id pair.
The ID of the case.
The ID of the action
Comment for the case activity log
(defaults to "text/plain") (optional)
MIME Type of the comment, according to OpenACS standard text formatting
The user who's executing the action
(boolean) (optional)
Use this switch to signal that this is the initial action. This causes permissions/enabled checks to be bypasssed, and causes all roles to get assigned.
Optional item_id for double-click protection. If you call workflow::case::fsm::get with a non-empty action_id, it will generate a new entry_id for you, which you can pass in here.
The package_id the case object belongs to. This is optional but is useful if the case objects are not CR items.
entry_id of the new log entry (will be a cr_item).
Lars Pind <>

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 bug_tracker::bug::edit bug_tracker::bug::edit (public) workflow::case::action::execute workflow::case::action::execute bug_tracker::bug::edit->workflow::case::action::execute workflow::case::action::enable workflow::case::action::enable (private) workflow::case::action::enable->workflow::case::action::execute workflow::case::child_state_changed_handler workflow::case::child_state_changed_handler (private) workflow::case::child_state_changed_handler->workflow::case::action::execute workflow::case::new workflow::case::new (public) workflow::case::new->workflow::case::action::execute workflow::case::timed_actions_sweeper workflow::case::timed_actions_sweeper (public) workflow::case::timed_actions_sweeper->workflow::case::action::execute ad_conn ad_conn (public) workflow::case::action::execute->ad_conn db_string db_string (public) workflow::case::action::execute->db_string db_transaction db_transaction (public) workflow::case::action::execute->db_transaction oacs_util::vars_to_ns_set oacs_util::vars_to_ns_set (public, deprecated) workflow::case::action::execute->oacs_util::vars_to_ns_set package_instantiate_object package_instantiate_object (public) workflow::case::action::execute->package_instantiate_object

No testcase defined.
Source code:
    if { (![info exists user_id] || $user_id eq "") } {
        if { ![ad_conn isconnected] } {
            set user_id 0
        } else {
            set user_id [ad_conn user_id]

    if { (![info exists package_id] || $package_id eq "") } {
        if { ![ad_conn isconnected] } {
            set package_id {}
        } else {
            set package_id [ad_conn package_id]

    if { $case_id eq "" || $action_id eq "" } {
        if { $enabled_action_id eq "" } {
            error "You must supply either case_id and action_id, or enabled_action_id"
    if { $enabled_action_id eq "" } {
        if { $initial_p } {
            set enabled_action_id {}
        } else {
            # This will not work with dynamic actions
            # This is provided for backwards-compatibility, so we hope there's no dynamicism
            # TODO: Figure out a better solution to this problem
            set enabled_action_id [workflow::case::action::get_enabled_action_id  -any_parent  -case_id $case_id  -action_id $action_id]
            if { $enabled_action_id eq "" } {
                error "This action is not enabled at this time."
    if { $enabled_action_id ne "" } {
        workflow::case::enabled_action_get -enabled_action_id $enabled_action_id -array enabled_action
        set case_id $enabled_action(case_id)
        set action_id $enabled_action(action_id)
        set parent_enabled_action_id $enabled_action(parent_enabled_action_id)
        set parent_trigger_type $enabled_action(parent_trigger_type)
    } else {
        set parent_trigger_type "workflow"

    if { !$initial_p && !$no_perm_check_p } {
        if { ![workflow::case::action::permission_p -enabled_action_id $enabled_action_id -user_id $user_id] } {
            error "This user ($user_id) is not allowed to perform this action ($action_id) at this time."

    if { $comment eq "" } {
        # single-space comment
        set comment { }

    # We can't have empty comment_mime_type, default to text/plain
    if { $comment_mime_type eq "" } {
        set comment_mime_type "text/plain"
    ns_log notice "case::execute start = [set start [clock clicks -milliseconds]]"
    db_transaction {

        # Double-click protection
        if { $entry_id ne "" } {
            if {  [db_string log_entry_exists_p {}] } {
                return $entry_id
        # Update the case workflow state
        workflow::case::action::fsm::execute_state_change  -initial=$initial_p  -enabled_action_id $enabled_action_id  -case_id $case_id  -action_id $action_id  -parent_enabled_action_id $parent_enabled_action_id
    ns_log notice "case::execute two = [expr {[set two [clock clicks -milliseconds]] - $start}]"
        # Mark the action completed
        if { $enabled_action_id ne "" } {
            workflow::case::action::complete  -enabled_action_id $enabled_action_id  -user_id $user_id
    ns_log notice "case::execute three = [expr {[set three [clock clicks -milliseconds]] - $two}]"
        # Insert activity log entry
        set extra_vars [ns_set create]
        oacs_util::vars_to_ns_set  -ns_set $extra_vars  -var_list { entry_id case_id action_id comment comment_mime_type package_id}

        if {!$no_logging_p} {
        set entry_id [package_instantiate_object  -creation_user $user_id  -extra_vars $extra_vars  -package_name "workflow_case_log_entry"  "workflow_case_log_entry"]

        # Fire side-effects
        workflow::case::action::do_side_effects  -case_id $case_id  -action_id $action_id  -entry_id $entry_id
    ns_log notice "case::execute five = [expr {[set five [clock clicks -milliseconds]] - $three}]"        
        # Scan for enabled actions
        if {$parent_trigger_type eq "workflow"} {
            workflow::case::state_changed_handler  -case_id $case_id  -parent_enabled_action_id $parent_enabled_action_id  -user_id $user_id
    ns_log notice "case::execute six = [expr {[set six [clock clicks -milliseconds]] - $five}]"        
        # Notifications
        if { !$no_notification_p } {
            workflow::case::action::notify  -case_id $case_id  -action_id $action_id  -entry_id $entry_id  -comment $comment  -comment_mime_type $comment_mime_type
    ns_log notice "case::execute seven = [expr {[set seven [clock clicks -milliseconds]] - $six}]"                
        # If there's a parent, alert the parent
        if { $parent_enabled_action_id ne "" } {
            workflow::case::child_state_changed_handler  -parent_enabled_action_id $parent_enabled_action_id  -user_id $user_id
    ns_log notice "case::execute eight = [expr {[set eight [clock clicks -milliseconds]] - $seven}]"                    
    workflow::case::flush_cache -case_id $case_id
    ns_log notice "case::execute nine = [expr {[set nine [clock clicks -milliseconds]] - $eight}]"                    
    ns_log notice "case::execute end = [expr {[set end [clock clicks -milliseconds]] - $start}]"                    
    return $entry_id
Generic XQL file:
<fullquery name="workflow::case::action::execute.log_entry_exists_p">
        select count(*)
        from   cr_items
        where  item_id = :entry_id

PostgreSQL XQL file:

Oracle XQL file:

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