• Publicity: Public Only All


Procs to manage application groups

CVS Identification:
$Id: application-group-procs.tcl,v 2022/10/26 14:20:35 gustafn Exp $

Procedures in this file

Detailed information

application_group::child_application_groups (public, deprecated)

 application_group::child_application_groups -node_id node_id \
    [ -package_key package_key ]
Deprecated. Invoking this procedure generates a warning.

DEPRECATED: as of 2022-09-12 this API is not used in upstream codebase, and was still undocumented.


Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 ad_log_deprecated ad_log_deprecated (public) application_group::group_id_from_package_id application_group::group_id_from_package_id (public) site_node::get_children site_node::get_children (public) application_group::child_application_groups application_group::child_application_groups application_group::child_application_groups->ad_log_deprecated application_group::child_application_groups->application_group::group_id_from_package_id application_group::child_application_groups->site_node::get_children

No testcase defined.

application_group::closest_ancestor_application_group_id (public)

 application_group::closest_ancestor_application_group_id [ -url url ] \
    [ -node_id node_id ] [ -include_self ]

Application group id of the closest ancestor package that has an application group

URL of the node to start searching from.
node_id of the node to start searching from (only one of node_id and URL can be specified).
(boolean) (optional)
If true, include the current package in the search
group_id of the closest ancestor package that has an application group, if any.

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_subsite_api subsite_api (test acs-subsite) application_group::closest_ancestor_application_group_id application_group::closest_ancestor_application_group_id test_subsite_api->application_group::closest_ancestor_application_group_id application_group::closest_ancestor_element application_group::closest_ancestor_element (public) application_group::closest_ancestor_application_group_id->application_group::closest_ancestor_element


application_group::closest_ancestor_application_group_site_node (public)

 application_group::closest_ancestor_application_group_site_node \
    [ -url url ] [ -node_id node_id ] [ -include_self ]

Starting with the node with the given node_id (or URL), climb up the site map and return the node of the first non null application group

The URL of the node to start from. You must provide either URL or node_id. An empty URL is taken to mean the main site.
The id of the node to start from. Takes precedence over any provided URL.
(boolean) (optional)
If true, include the current package in the search
The node of the first non-null application group in array get format.
Peter Marklund, Dave Bauer

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_subsite_api subsite_api (test acs-subsite) application_group::closest_ancestor_application_group_site_node application_group::closest_ancestor_application_group_site_node test_subsite_api->application_group::closest_ancestor_application_group_site_node application_group::group_id_from_package_id application_group::group_id_from_package_id (public) application_group::closest_ancestor_application_group_site_node->application_group::group_id_from_package_id site_node::get site_node::get (public) application_group::closest_ancestor_application_group_site_node->site_node::get site_node::get_url site_node::get_url (public) application_group::closest_ancestor_application_group_site_node->site_node::get_url application_group::closest_ancestor_element application_group::closest_ancestor_element (public) application_group::closest_ancestor_element->application_group::closest_ancestor_application_group_site_node


application_group::closest_ancestor_element (public)

 application_group::closest_ancestor_element [ -node_id node_id ] \
    [ -url url ] -element element [ -include_self ]

Return one element of the site node for the closest ancestor package that has an application group.

node_id of the node to start searching from (only one of node_id and URL can be specified).
URL of the node to start searching from.
(boolean) (optional)
If true, include the current package in the search
element The desired element of the appropriate site node.

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_subsite_api subsite_api (test acs-subsite) application_group::closest_ancestor_element application_group::closest_ancestor_element test_subsite_api->application_group::closest_ancestor_element application_group::closest_ancestor_application_group_site_node application_group::closest_ancestor_application_group_site_node (public) application_group::closest_ancestor_element->application_group::closest_ancestor_application_group_site_node application_group::closest_ancestor_application_group_id application_group::closest_ancestor_application_group_id (public) application_group::closest_ancestor_application_group_id->application_group::closest_ancestor_element news_do_notification news_do_notification (public) news_do_notification->application_group::closest_ancestor_element


application_group::contains_party_p (public)

 application_group::contains_party_p [ -package_id package_id ] \
    [ -party_id party_id ] [ -include_self ]

Determines whether the party in question (identified by party_id) is contained by the application group identified by package_id. If package_id is not specified, and we have a connection, then the proc will grab the package_id of the current package (i.e., [ad_conn package_id]).

(boolean) (optional)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_subsite_api subsite_api (test acs-subsite) application_group::contains_party_p application_group::contains_party_p test_subsite_api->application_group::contains_party_p ad_conn ad_conn (public) application_group::contains_party_p->ad_conn db_string db_string (public) application_group::contains_party_p->db_string packages/acs-subsite/www/admin/groups/change-join-policy-2.tcl packages/acs-subsite/ www/admin/groups/change-join-policy-2.tcl packages/acs-subsite/www/admin/groups/change-join-policy-2.tcl->application_group::contains_party_p packages/acs-subsite/www/admin/groups/change-join-policy.tcl packages/acs-subsite/ www/admin/groups/change-join-policy.tcl packages/acs-subsite/www/admin/groups/change-join-policy.tcl->application_group::contains_party_p packages/acs-subsite/www/admin/groups/one.tcl packages/acs-subsite/ www/admin/groups/one.tcl packages/acs-subsite/www/admin/groups/one.tcl->application_group::contains_party_p packages/acs-subsite/www/admin/parties/one.tcl packages/acs-subsite/ www/admin/parties/one.tcl packages/acs-subsite/www/admin/parties/one.tcl->application_group::contains_party_p packages/acs-subsite/www/admin/rel-segments/new-2.tcl packages/acs-subsite/ www/admin/rel-segments/new-2.tcl packages/acs-subsite/www/admin/rel-segments/new-2.tcl->application_group::contains_party_p


application_group::contains_relation_p (public)

 application_group::contains_relation_p [ -package_id package_id ] \
    [ -rel_id rel_id ]

Determines whether the relation in question (identified by rel_id) is contained by the application group identified by package_id. If package_id is not specified, and we have a connection, then the proc will grab the package_id of the current package (i.e., [ad_conn package_id]).


Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 packages/acs-subsite/www/admin/rel-segments/new-2.tcl packages/acs-subsite/ www/admin/rel-segments/new-2.tcl application_group::contains_relation_p application_group::contains_relation_p packages/acs-subsite/www/admin/rel-segments/new-2.tcl->application_group::contains_relation_p packages/acs-subsite/www/admin/rel-segments/new-3.tcl packages/acs-subsite/ www/admin/rel-segments/new-3.tcl packages/acs-subsite/www/admin/rel-segments/new-3.tcl->application_group::contains_relation_p packages/acs-subsite/www/admin/relations/change-member-state.tcl packages/acs-subsite/ www/admin/relations/change-member-state.tcl packages/acs-subsite/www/admin/relations/change-member-state.tcl->application_group::contains_relation_p packages/acs-subsite/www/admin/relations/one.tcl packages/acs-subsite/ www/admin/relations/one.tcl packages/acs-subsite/www/admin/relations/one.tcl->application_group::contains_relation_p packages/acs-subsite/www/admin/relations/remove.tcl packages/acs-subsite/ www/admin/relations/remove.tcl packages/acs-subsite/www/admin/relations/remove.tcl->application_group::contains_relation_p ad_conn ad_conn (public) application_group::contains_relation_p->ad_conn db_string db_string (public) application_group::contains_relation_p->db_string

No testcase defined.

application_group::contains_segment_p (public)

 application_group::contains_segment_p [ -package_id package_id ] \
    [ -segment_id segment_id ]

Determines whether the segment in question (identified by segment_id) "belongs" to the application group identified by package_id. If package_id is not specified, and we have a connection, then the proc will grab the package_id of the current package (i.e., [ad_conn package_id]).


Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 packages/acs-subsite/www/admin/rel-segments/constraints/new.tcl packages/acs-subsite/ www/admin/rel-segments/constraints/new.tcl application_group::contains_segment_p application_group::contains_segment_p packages/acs-subsite/www/admin/rel-segments/constraints/new.tcl->application_group::contains_segment_p packages/acs-subsite/www/admin/rel-segments/edit.tcl packages/acs-subsite/ www/admin/rel-segments/edit.tcl packages/acs-subsite/www/admin/rel-segments/edit.tcl->application_group::contains_segment_p packages/acs-subsite/www/admin/rel-segments/one.tcl packages/acs-subsite/ www/admin/rel-segments/one.tcl packages/acs-subsite/www/admin/rel-segments/one.tcl->application_group::contains_segment_p ad_conn ad_conn (public) application_group::contains_segment_p->ad_conn db_string db_string (public) application_group::contains_segment_p->db_string

No testcase defined.

application_group::delete (public)

 application_group::delete -group_id group_id

Delete the given application group and all relational segments and constraints dependent on it (handled by the PL/[pg]SQL API


Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_acs_subsite_application_group_new acs_subsite_application_group_new (test acs-subsite) application_group::delete application_group::delete test_acs_subsite_application_group_new->application_group::delete db_dml db_dml (public) application_group::delete->db_dml db_exec_plsql db_exec_plsql (public) application_group::delete->db_exec_plsql db_flush_cache db_flush_cache (public) application_group::delete->db_flush_cache subsite::default::delete_app_group subsite::default::delete_app_group (public) subsite::default::delete_app_group->application_group::delete


application_group::group_id_from_package_id (public)

 application_group::group_id_from_package_id [ -no_complain ] \
    [ -package_id package_id ]

Get the application_group of a package. By default, if no application group exists, we throw an error. The -no_complain flag will prevent the error from being thrown, in which case you'll just get an empty string if the application group doesn't exist.

(boolean) (optional)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_acs_subsite_expose_bug_1144 acs_subsite_expose_bug_1144 (test acs-subsite) application_group::group_id_from_package_id application_group::group_id_from_package_id test_acs_subsite_expose_bug_1144->application_group::group_id_from_package_id test_subsite_api subsite_api (test acs-subsite) test_subsite_api->application_group::group_id_from_package_id test_test_inheritance_and_custom_permissions test_inheritance_and_custom_permissions (test acs-tcl) test_test_inheritance_and_custom_permissions->application_group::group_id_from_package_id acs_object_name acs_object_name (public) application_group::group_id_from_package_id->acs_object_name ad_conn ad_conn (public) application_group::group_id_from_package_id->ad_conn db_string db_string (public) application_group::group_id_from_package_id->db_string application_group::child_application_groups application_group::child_application_groups (public, deprecated) application_group::child_application_groups->application_group::group_id_from_package_id application_group::closest_ancestor_application_group_site_node application_group::closest_ancestor_application_group_site_node (public) application_group::closest_ancestor_application_group_site_node->application_group::group_id_from_package_id group::get_id_not_cached group::get_id_not_cached (private) group::get_id_not_cached->application_group::group_id_from_package_id install::xml::object_id::application-group install::xml::object_id::application-group (public) install::xml::object_id::application-group->application_group::group_id_from_package_id packages/acs-authentication/lib/search.tcl packages/acs-authentication/ lib/search.tcl packages/acs-authentication/lib/search.tcl->application_group::group_id_from_package_id

acs_subsite_expose_bug_1144, subsite_api, test_inheritance_and_custom_permissions

application_group::new (public)

 application_group::new [ -group_id group_id ] \
    [ -group_type group_type ] [ -package_id package_id ] \
    [ -group_name group_name ] [ -creation_user creation_user ] \
    [ -creation_ip creation_ip ] [ -email email ] [ -url url ]

Creates an application group (i.e., group of "users/parties of this application") Returns the group_id of the new application group.

(defaults to "application_group") (optional)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_acs_subsite_application_group_new acs_subsite_application_group_new (test acs-subsite) application_group::new application_group::new test_acs_subsite_application_group_new->application_group::new ad_conn ad_conn (public) application_group::new->ad_conn db_exec_plsql db_exec_plsql (public) application_group::new->db_exec_plsql db_string db_string (public) application_group::new->db_string db_transaction db_transaction (public) application_group::new->db_transaction subsite::default::create_app_group subsite::default::create_app_group (public) subsite::default::create_app_group->application_group::new


application_group::package_id_from_group_id (public)

 application_group::package_id_from_group_id -group_id group_id

Returns the package_id of a given application group.


Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_subsite_api subsite_api (test acs-subsite) application_group::package_id_from_group_id application_group::package_id_from_group_id test_subsite_api->application_group::package_id_from_group_id db_string db_string (public) application_group::package_id_from_group_id->db_string packages/acs-subsite/www/members/member-state-change.tcl packages/acs-subsite/ www/members/member-state-change.tcl packages/acs-subsite/www/members/member-state-change.tcl->application_group::package_id_from_group_id

[ hide source ]

Content File Source

# /packages/subsite/tcl/application-group-procs.tcl

ad_library {

    Procs to manage application groups

    @author oumi@arsdigita.com
    @creation-date 2001-02-01
    @cvs-id $Id: application-group-procs.tcl,v 2022/10/26 14:20:35 gustafn Exp $


namespace eval application_group {}

d_proc -public application_group::contains_party_p {
    { -package_id "" }
    { -party_id "" }
} {
    Determines whether the party in question (identified by party_id) is
    contained by the application group identified by package_id.
    If package_id is not specified, and we have a connection, then the
    proc will grab the package_id of the current package (i.e.,
    [ad_conn package_id]).

} {

    if {$package_id eq "" && [ns_conn isconnected]} {
        set package_id [ad_conn package_id]

    if {$package_id eq ""} {
        error "application_group::contains_party_p - package_id not specified"

    # Check if the party is a member of the application group, OR
    # the party *is* the application group.  This proc considers the
    # application group to contain itself.
    if {$include_self_p} {
    set found_p [db_string app_group_contains_party_p {
        select case when exists (
            select 1
            from application_group_element_map
            where package_id = :package_id
              and element_id = :party_id
          union all
            select 1
            from application_groups
            where package_id = :package_id
              and group_id = :party_id
        ) then 1 else 0 end
        from dual
    } else {
    set found_p [db_string app_group_contains_party_p {
        select case when exists (
            select 1
            from application_group_element_map
            where package_id = :package_id
              and element_id = :party_id
        ) then 1 else 0 end
        from dual


    return $found_p


d_proc -public application_group::contains_relation_p {
    { -package_id "" }
    { -rel_id "" }
} {
    Determines whether the relation in question (identified by rel_id) is
    contained by the application group identified by package_id.
    If package_id is not specified, and we have a connection, then the
    proc will grab the package_id of the current package (i.e.,
    [ad_conn package_id]).
} {

    if {$package_id eq "" && [ns_conn isconnected]} {
        set package_id [ad_conn package_id]

    if {$package_id eq ""} {
        error "application_group::contains_party_p - package_id not specified"

    # Check if the rel belongs to the application group, OR
    # the party *is* the application group.  This proc considers the
    # application group to contain itself.
    set found_p [db_string app_group_contains_rel_p {
        select case when exists (
            select 1
            from application_group_element_map
            where package_id = :package_id
              and rel_id = :rel_id
        ) then 1 else 0 end
        from dual

    return $found_p

d_proc -public application_group::contains_segment_p {
    { -package_id "" }
    { -segment_id "" }
} {
    Determines whether the segment in question (identified by segment_id)
    "belongs" to the application group identified by package_id.
    If package_id is not specified, and we have a connection, then the
    proc will grab the package_id of the current package (i.e.,
    [ad_conn package_id]).

} {

    if {$package_id eq "" && [ns_conn isconnected]} {
        set package_id [ad_conn package_id]

    if {$package_id eq ""} {
        error "application_group::contains_segment_p - package_id not specified"

    # Check if the party is a member of the application group, OR
    # the party *is* the application group.  This proc considers the
    # application group to contain itself.
    set found_p [db_string app_group_contains_segment_p {
        select case when exists (
            select 1
            from application_group_segments
            where package_id = :package_id
              and segment_id = :segment_id
        ) then 1 else 0 end
        from dual

    return $found_p

d_proc -public application_group::group_id_from_package_id {
    { -package_id "" }
} {
    Get the application_group of a package.  By default, if no application
    group exists, we throw an error.  The -no_complain flag will prevent
    the error from being thrown, in which case you'll just get an
    empty string if the application group doesn't exist.
} {

    if { [ns_conn isconnected] && $package_id eq "" } {
        set package_id [ad_conn package_id]

    if {$package_id eq ""} {
        error "application_group::group_id_from_package_id - no package_id specified."

    set group_id [db_string application_group_from_package_id_query {
        select group_id
        from application_groups
        where package_id = :package_id
    } -default ""]

    if {!$no_complain_p && $group_id eq ""} {
        error "No group_id found for package $package_id ([acs_object_name $package_id])"

    return $group_id

d_proc -public application_group::package_id_from_group_id {
} {

    Returns the package_id of a given application group.

} {
    return [db_string -cache_key application_group_pid_from_gid_${group_id} get {
        select package_id
        from application_groups
        where group_id = :group_id

d_proc -public application_group::new {
    { -group_id "" }
    { -group_type "application_group"}
    { -package_id "" }
    { -group_name "" }
    { -creation_user "" }
    { -creation_ip "" }
    { -email "" }
    { -url "" }
} {
    Creates an application group
    (i.e., group of "users/parties of this application")

    Returns the group_id of the new application group.
} {

    if { [ns_conn isconnected] } {
        # Since we have a connection, default user_id / peeraddr
        # if they're not specified
        if { $creation_user eq "" } {
            set creation_user [ad_conn user_id]
        if { $creation_ip eq "" } {
            set creation_ip [ad_conn peeraddr]
        if { $package_id eq "" } {
            set package_id [ad_conn package_id]

    if {$package_id eq ""} {
        error "application_group::new - package_id not specified"

    if {$group_name eq ""} {
        set group_name [db_string group_name_query {
            select substr(instance_name, 1, 90)
            from apm_packages
            where package_id = :package_id
        append group_name " Parties"

    db_transaction {
        # creating the new group
        set group_id [db_exec_plsql add_group {}]

    return $group_id


d_proc -public application_group::delete {
} {
    Delete the given application group and all relational segments and constraints dependent
    on it (handled by the PL/[pg]SQL API
} {
    # LARS HACK:
    # Delete permissions on:
    # - the application group
    # - any relational segment of this group
    # - any relation with this group
    # We really ought to have cascading deletes on acs_permissions.grantee_id (and object_id)
    db_dml delete_perms {
        delete from acs_permissions
        where  grantee_id = :group_id
        or     grantee_id in (select segment_id from rel_segments where group_id = :group_id)
        or     grantee_id in (select rel_id from acs_rels where object_id_one = :group_id or object_id_two = :group_id)

    db_exec_plsql delete {}

    db_flush_cache -cache_key_pattern application_group_*


d_proc -public application_group::closest_ancestor_application_group_site_node {
    {-url ""}
    {-node_id ""}
} {
    Starting with the node with the given node_id (or URL),
    climb up the site map and return the node of the first
    non null application group

    @param url          The URL of the node to start from. You must provide
                        either URL or node_id. An empty URL is taken to mean
                        the main site.
    @param node_id      The id of the node to start from. Takes precedence
                        over any provided URL.
    @param include_self If true, include the current package in the search

    @return The node of the first non-null application group in array get format.

    @author Peter Marklund, Dave Bauer
} {
    # Make sure we have a URL to work with
    if { $url eq "" } {
          if { $node_id eq "" } {
              set url "/"
          } else {
              set url [site_node::get_url -node_id $node_id]

    set group_id ""
    while {$group_id eq "" && $url ne ""} {

        if { $include_self_p } {
            array set node_array [site_node::get -url $url]
            set group_id [application_group::group_id_from_package_id \
                             -package_id $node_array(package_id) \

        set include_self_p 1

        # move up a level
        set url [string trimright $url /]
        set url [string range $url 0 [string last / $url]]
    if {$group_id eq ""} {
        array unset -no_complain node_array
    set node_array(application_group_id) $group_id

    return [array get node_array]

d_proc -public application_group::closest_ancestor_element {
    {-node_id ""}
    {-url ""}
} {
    Return one element of the site node for the closest ancestor package that has an
    application group.

    @param url URL of the node to start searching from.
    @param node_id node_id of the node to start searching from (only one of node_id and URL
           can be specified).
    @param include_self If true, include the current package in the search

    @return element The desired element of the appropriate site node.
} {
    array set site_node \
        [application_group::closest_ancestor_application_group_site_node \
            -include_self=$include_self_p \
            -url $url \
            -node_id $node_id]
    return $site_node($element)

d_proc -public application_group::closest_ancestor_application_group_id {
    {-url ""}
    {-node_id ""}
} {
    Application group id of the closest ancestor package that has an application

    @param url URL of the node to start searching from.
    @param node_id node_id of the node to start searching from (only one of node_id and URL
           can be specified).
    @param include_self If true, include the current package in the search

    @return group_id of the closest ancestor package that has an application group, if any.
} {
    return [application_group::closest_ancestor_element \
               -include_self=$include_self_p \
               -url $url \
               -node_id $node_id \
               -element application_group_id]

d_proc -deprecated application_group::child_application_groups {
    {-package_key ""}
} {
    DEPRECATED: as of 2022-09-12 this API is not used in upstream
    codebase, and was still undocumented.
} {
    set group_list [list]
    set child_packages [site_node::get_children -package_key $package_key -node_id $node_id -element package_id]
    foreach package_id $child_packages {
        if {[set group_id [application_group::group_id_from_package_id -package_id ${package_id} -no_complain]] ne ""} {
            lappend group_list $group_id
    return $group_list

# Local variables:
#    mode: tcl
#    tcl-indent-level: 4
#    indent-tabs-mode: nil
# End: