etp::create_search_impl (public)

 etp::create_search_impl -content_type content_type

Defined in packages/edit-this-page/tcl/etp-sc-procs.tcl

Creates and registers a service contract implementation alias for an ETP custom application type if it does not already exist. This will define the datasource proc for the type as etp::revision_datasource. That proc will attempt to call a specially named tcl proc of the form etp::content_type where content_type is the acs_object type of the content type. If the proc does not exist only the attributes of the default type will be used to create the datasource.

Dave Bauer

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 etp::define_content_type etp::define_content_type (public) etp::create_search_impl etp::create_search_impl etp::define_content_type->etp::create_search_impl acs_sc_binding_exists_p acs_sc_binding_exists_p (public) etp::create_search_impl->acs_sc_binding_exists_p db_exec_plsql db_exec_plsql (public) etp::create_search_impl->db_exec_plsql db_transaction db_transaction (public) etp::create_search_impl->db_transaction etp::search_impl_exists_p etp::search_impl_exists_p (public) etp::create_search_impl->etp::search_impl_exists_p

No testcase defined.
Source code:
     db_transaction {
        # create the implementation if it does not exist
        if {![etp::search_impl_exists_p -content_type $content_type]} {
            db_exec_plsql create_search_impl {}
            db_exec_plsql create_datasource_alias {}
            db_exec_plsql create_url_alias {}
        # install the binding if it does not exist
        if {[acs_sc_binding_exists_p "FtsContentProvider" $content_type] != 1} {
            db_exec_plsql install_binding {}
    } on_error {
        ns_log Error "etp::create_search_impl: Service contract implementation for content type \"${content_type}\" is not valid"
XQL Not present:
Generic XQL file:

PostgreSQL XQL file:
<fullquery name="etp::create_search_impl.create_search_impl">
	select acs_sc_impl__new(
		'FtsContentProvider',		-- impl_contract_name
		:content_type,			-- impl_name
		'edit-this-page'			--

<fullquery name="etp::create_search_impl.create_datasource_alias">
	select acs_sc_impl_alias__new(
		'FtsContentProvider',		-- impl_contract_name
		:content_type,			-- impl_name
		'datasource',			-- impl_operation_name
		'etp::revision_datasource',	-- impl_alias
		'TCL'				-- impl_pl

<fullquery name="etp::create_search_impl.create_url_alias">
	select acs_sc_impl_alias__new(
		'FtsContentProvider',		-- impl_contract_name
		:content_type,		-- impl_name
		'url',				-- impl_operation_name
		'etp::revision_url',	-- impl_alias
		'TCL'				-- impl_pl

<fullquery name="etp::create_search_impl.install_binding">
	select acs_sc_binding__new(
		'FtsContentProvider', 	-- contract_name
		:content_type		-- impl_name

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