Compiled Template grid.adp

set __adp_output {}; set __ad_conn_locale [ad_conn locale]
append __adp_output "<html>
<title>Demo: Grid</title>
    h1 \{ font-family: Arial, Helvetica \}
    th \{ font-family: Arial, Helvetica \}
    td \{ font-family: Arial, Helvetica \}
  <body bgcolor=\"#FFFFCC\">
  <h1>Sample Users</h1>
  <table cellpadding=\"8\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"1\" bgcolor=\"#CCFFCC\">


  set rows [expr {ceil(${users:rowcount} / 3.0)}]
  for { set __r 1 } { $__r <= $rows } { incr __r } {
    for { set __c 1 } { $__c <= 3 } { incr __c } {

      set rownum [expr {1 + int(($__r - 1) + (($__c - 1) * $rows))}]

      upvar 0 users:$rownum users
      set users(rownum) $rownum
      set users(row) $__r
      set users(col) $__c
if {"[ns_quotehtml [lang::util::localize $users(col)]]" eq "1"} {
append __adp_output "
    <!-- Begin row -->
append __adp_output "

  <!-- Cell layout -->

    <!-- Cells may be unoccupied at the end. -->
if {"[ns_quotehtml [lang::util::localize $users(rownum)]]" <= "[ns_quotehtml [lang::util::localize ${users:rowcount}]]"} {
append __adp_output "
      [ns_quotehtml [lang::util::localize $users(rownum)]].
      [ns_quotehtml [lang::util::localize $users(first_name)]]
      [ns_quotehtml [lang::util::localize $users(last_name)]]
} else {
append __adp_output "
      <!-- Placeholder to retain cell formatting -->
append __adp_output "

  <!-- End cell layout -->

if {"[ns_quotehtml [lang::util::localize $users(col)]]" eq "3"} {
append __adp_output "
    <!-- End row -->

append __adp_output "

set __adp_output