Source of pay.tcl

ad_page_contract {

    @author unknown
    @creation-date unknown

} -query {
    {payee ""}
    {amount:integer ""}

form create pay_bill -section required -sec_legendtext Payment -elements {
  payee -label "Payee" -datatype text -widget text 
  amount -label "Amount" -datatype integer -widget text 
template::element::create pay_bill note -label "Note" -datatype text -widget text -optional


# check if this is the initial submission or the confirmation page
if { [ns_queryexists form:confirm] } {

    # do the dml and forward

    # ns_ora dml ...

    template::forward index.html


if { [form is_valid pay_bill] } {

  # use the form export proc (in form-procs.tcl) to capture all the form data
  # as hidden elements
  set confirm_data [form export]

  # add the form:confirm element
  append confirm_data "<input type='hidden' name='form:confirm' value='confirm'>"

  template::set_file "[file dirname $__adp_stub]/pay-confirm"

# Local variables:
#    mode: tcl
#    tcl-indent-level: 4
#    indent-tabs-mode: nil
# End: