Class Relations

::xo::db::apm_parameter create ::3086162


::3086162 set context_id {}
::3086162 set creation_date {2009-11-11 17:16:53.614291+01}
::3086162 set creation_ip {}
::3086162 set creation_user {}
::3086162 set datatype number
::3086162 set default_value 0
::3086162 set description \
       {When this flag is set, per-user specific information is used to determine the default \
       language. Users with different language preferences will see under the same url different \
       content. Per default this flag is turned off, and the package or system wide locale is used.}
::3086162 set last_modified {2009-11-11 17:16:53.614291+01}
::3086162 set max_n_values 1
::3086162 set min_n_values 1
::3086162 set modifying_ip {}
::3086162 set modifying_user {}
::3086162 set object_id 3086162
::3086162 set object_title {xolirc: Parameter use_connection_locale}
::3086162 set package_id {}
::3086162 set package_key xolirc
::3086162 set parameter_id 3086162
::3086162 set parameter_name use_connection_locale
::3086162 set scope instance
::3086162 set section_name URL
::3086162 set security_inherit_p t