Forum .LRN Q&A: Re: Class / Communities AND Different Types of Users (Limited/Guest/etc.)Class / Communities AND Different Types of Users (Limited/Guest/etc.)

Hi Martin,

Thanks for pointing out that protect_private_data_p did not make it into dotLRN1.0, I hadn't realized that. Sorry.

It will be up to TAB as to which of solution is put into dotLRN.

For the short run, I actually recommend both. Perhaps with a parameter 'admin_can_create_only_guests_p' to toggle whether any individual class/community's admin can create non-guest users.  This seems like the sort of decision that is very likely to change from institution to institution and perhaps from group to group.

For the long run, (dotLRN 2.0 or beyond) it would be good to look at how as many institutions as possible have set up permissioning and new user creation privileges and rework the UI.  IMO, the current system suffers from not having Pind's Rule of 5 met.