Forum OpenACS Development: Re: Core team heads-up. Check for curriculum bar in default master committed to HEAD

After having checked in all the initial files belonging to our package, I checked out a new "working copy" ... However, all the files have become read-only!?

Does anyone know why I see this behavior?

Does the cvs repository have some kind of admin file for file perms?

Also, while I'm at it - could I ask someone on the core team a favor, namely to add a cvs module for "curriculum"? Thanks!

Do we really want package specific stuff in the default-master? I vote no - if this becomes a trend then we'll have a default-master cluttered with 10 different if clauses that no one knows and so complicated that the average openacs user doesn't dare to touch and modify it, and possibly related problems with CVS conflicts on a customized default-master (I just updated my checkout and the curriculum bar conflicts with some modifications I made to that file - it wouldn't be nice if that happens everytime something regarding the package specific parts gets changed in the repository).

What about a little instruction in the docs of curriculum where and how to add the <include> tag for the bar?

developer-support is a bad example, agreed. One could argue that developer-support is somehow special, because it isn't a user application, but I wouldn't have it included in the default-master either.

What do others think about that?

8: CVS and file permissions (response to 2)
Posted by Andrew Piskorski on
Ola, AFAIK CVS has no reliable way to preserve file permissions. What you are seeing is more or less normal. I never bothered to track the details down, but presumably your umask is set in such a way that CVS makes the files read only. Or something.

If you figure out or track down a full explanation of just how CVS ends up assigning file permissions to newly checked out or updated files, please let me know. That would help avoid annoyances like the one you just experienced.

But if you need reliable, reproduceable, specific permissions on specific files (in your case you don't), then AFAIK the only way to guarantee that with CVS is to write a little script that bashes permissions on each of the specific files you care about.