Forum OpenACS Q&A: Re: mounting a package on /

Posted by Tobel Graves on
You might want to check out the index.vuh file that uses as the / address. It redirects from acs-subsite to an instance of ETP here's the code:
ad_page_contract {

  @author Luke Pond (
  @creation-date 2001-06-01

  Virtual URL Handler to serve files from an
  instance of the Edit This Page package.

  Helpful .vuh example at
} {
        {revision_id ""}

ad_conn -set revision_id $revision_id

# get the portion of the url following the package directory
set name [ad_conn path_info]

#ns_log Notice "index.vuh: request for $name"

if { [string index $name end] == "/" } {
    # it's in a subdirectory, and we know there's no
    # other package mounted on that subdirectory.

set server_root [file dirname [ns_info pageroot]]

if {[empty_string_p $name] || $name == "index"} {
    set path "$server_root/[etp::get_application_param index_template]"
} elseif {[string match "etp*" $name]} {
    # this trickery is for serving pages from the top level,
    # where the acs-subsite package is mounted rather than
    # the editthispage package.  normally the request processor
    # finds these before invoking this file.
    set path "$server_root/packages/edit-this-page/www/$name"
} else {

    set path "$server_root/[etp::get_application_param content_template]"

    # set up form variables so we can pass the "name"
    # variable to the content page.
    global _ns_form
    set _ns_form [ns_set create]
    ns_set put [ns_getform] "name" $name

ns_log Notice "Edit This Page index.vuh: serving $path"

rp_serve_abstract_file $path
HTH Tobel