i'm playing with P.M. and i found an error at the mainpage. in the projects portlet.
There's a listtemplate that "list" :) all the project names as a link to the peculiar project's page.
It has a misspelling error at the url. which is set like
set item_url [export_vars -base "${base_url}one" {project_item_id}]
The error is in the variable $base_url. it value is "/project-manager/ /project-manager/"
which is wrong and must be only "/project-manager/"
in the file "/packages/project-manager/lib/projects.tcl"
I have:
set _base_url [site_node::get_url_from_object_id -object_id $package_id]
if {![empty_string_p $_base_url]} {
set base_url $_base_url
i put @_base_url@ at the adp and i verified that the api [site_node::get_url_from_object_id ...]
returns the worng value
"/project-manager/ /project-manager/"
so, i need to fix the returning value of the API. But i don;t know if the API is used in another part of the system as it is.
in order to avoid mistakes, i tought i could truncate the variable _base_url and it would work locally, only to that part of the code.
is that correct?