Forum .LRN Q&A: Re: Community admin pages now use zen layout (div not table) for zen sites

I have run this upgrade, now all is theme zen, sadly it is all one-column instead of two column as before. This is due to theme-zen not loading the 2column.css. Yet when I load it manually, I get both main-content and sidebar-1 moved to the right by 50% instead of using the whole width.

As the admin screens are working I rewrote zen2.adp to exchange the position of elements and make that file use the main-content-sim and sidebar-1-sim divs instead. Now all works. Still totally baffled why.

Did you run the upgrade script in the admin directory?

We chose not to have the APM upgrade automatically do that because doing so modifies every portal page in the system. We thought it was better to require a manual step to switch to the div-based layouts.

Upgrade and install were tested, and Dario seems to have had no problem ...

Oh, I see, you edited the layout, strange.

The layout in CVS seems to work for everyone else, something strange seems to be going on with your install, malte.

Malte -

Do you have a public URL? I can try to help debug this..
