Forum OpenACS Development: Any wizard gurus?

Posted by Lars Pind on
Can you help with this, please?

I don't know how to judge it. Where can I find a wizard to test it on?

Or would it be possible to write an automated test case?

If there's anyone out there with wizard experience *AND* commit rights, could you please take a look.

I want to close it out for 5.0.

2: Re: Any wizard gurus? (response to 1)
Posted by Lars Pind on

also wizard

seeking a wizard of wizards :)

3: Re: Any wizard gurus? (response to 1)
Posted by Jun Yamog on
Hi Lars,

The patched for the wizard is in contrib.  Together with Brad's patches.  I haven't tested Brad's patches (cache capability).  But the concerns of Brad is already in the contrib wizard.  I have merged his patches already on the contrib wizard.

Its dependent on Brad's changes to ad_page_contract, which from I have seen on head is already there.

I believe I have already addressed bug 652.  That is merging Brad's changes.  And bug 611 is likely an early report by Brad, which eventually Brad did it himself.

So only things left to put this in are:

- Brad's confirmation that cache patch on ad_page_contract is in.
- I commit the modified wizard.
- I make the fix on cms.


Is your cache patch to ad_page_contract on the head?

If yes I will copy over the contrib wizard.  And then do a oneliner patch to cms.

Some related links:

4: Re: Any wizard gurus? (response to 1)
Posted by Brad Duell on
Sorry - Haven't been able to monitor the boards much lately.... :(

Yeah, this is a pretty easy fix in wizard-procs.tcl, which Jun made in contrib.

ad_cache_returnredirect and the -cached flag *has* been added to ad_page_contract in head (thanks!).

The only thing outstanding is the ad_cache_returnredirect call in template::forward located in filter-procs.tcl.