Forum OpenACS Q&A: Check-in Check-Out and other CMS issues

Posted by JJ KK on

I'm new to CMS development and I thought you guys could help me out.


1.  when using the database to set the status for check-in check-out of content, how does this work? I can set the status, but what if the editor fails to check it in, do you set a time limit that will expire if they fail to check-in? industry standards on this?

2. MetaData.  If I have a field called 'keywords' that is a semi-colon (;) seperated string, how do I search on such a field, or do I create another index table from that comman-seperated field on a batched basis?

Thanks for your insight, I realize there are various methods on how to do these, i'm just trying to get a feel for how its done by experience devs like yourselves...


Posted by Jun Yamog on

I will try to answer you questions:

1.  I am not sure if there is a check-in check-out facility on the current CMS.  At least on the core content repository (CR) underlying data model does not seem to support this.  There are different publish states however.  Also it can be coupled with a workflow, as seen in the current CMS packages.  You can either implement this check in check out or make use of the workflow package.

2. There is no actual metadata field.  However contents are indexed to a search engine such as the current OpenFTS.  You can also classify contents to tree like structure called keywords, but it more acts as a classification system.  There is also no stopping you from creating such field and using it as you have said.  You can create your own custom content types that has this field and inherit from there.

Hope this helps.