Forum OpenACS Q&A: Response to Security related errors?

Posted by Peter McDermott on
Right. First an apology. I've just upgraded to RedHat6.2, and being lazy, thought I might try and use LinuxConf to configure Sendmail. As a consequence, I've just bounced the last three emails on this bboard.
Sorry about that.

Next, thanks for the thoughts. I did have the logslqerrors parameter turned on in my ini file, so what you see is pretty much what you get.

I did try to download the previous version of ACS/pg, to see if I had any more joy with that, but I found that the download consistently fails half way through the download, so you might want to take a look at that. I can't remember the version, but it's the previous one that works with postgres 6.5.

I suppose I'd been trying to avoid re-downloading postgres7, but I guess it's time to bite the bullet.

Anyway, thanks for your help. And apologies again for the bounces.