Forum OpenACS Q&A: error reading "opensslNNN": Unknown error: (large integer)

What is the meaning of this "Unknown error"[1] from using ns_httpsget with openssl?

What is the nature of it? How is it resolved?

Here's how I'm using it (on freebsd stable, aolserver3.4.2oacs1):

  from authorize-gateway/tcl/authorize-gateway-procs.tcl:
     if {[catch {set response [ns_httpsget $full_url 30 0 $header]} error_message]} {

Related observation. I get a request error:

can't read "response" : no such variable..

when I place this following line directly after the above line:

        ns_log Notice "The response is: [value_if_exists $response]"

I have read the thread at: but do not see how it was resolved --if it was.

If not, is it possible to bypass using ns_httpsget with openssl?

Some example variations of the error message:

error reading "openssl253": Unknown error: 175547536

error reading "openssl233": Unknown error: 175550432

error reading "openssl221": Unknown error: 182587232

error reading "openssl206": Unknown error: 175170816

error reading "openssl83": Unknown error: 167534432

error reading "openssl55": Unknown error: 187695504

error reading "openssl101": Unknown error: 177231376

Apparently, the IP does not create/negotiate a return ssl connection when there is a post url error, such as an empty value in a required field.
For clarification

Problem solved.

The vague error was the result of a nonresponse from an improperly formed ezic-gateway package post via ssl to the merchant gateway.  ns_openssl 2.x expects some kind of ssl response from an ssl outbound post, and thus the vague error when there was no response.

I had a similar problem using ns_httpopen and trying to read from the channel, specifically trying to read graphics.  What fixed the problem for me was giving read the value of the content-length header.  Perhaps the connection was confused about the EOF character so it kept trying to read past the end of the file.