Forum OpenACS Q&A: New and Improved Vision

3: New and Improved Vision (response to 1)
Posted by Nathan Bogo on
Clearly, I had an incorrect visual of the AOLserver virtual hosting process. I, mistakenly, envisioned one AOLserver process (magically enhanced with Jerry Asher's nsvhr/nsunix code) dealing with any number of ACS and non-ACS web sites, hosted on one machine. I must admit, I did not understand how, but I accepted it, which made for much confusion on my part.

My revised vision looks something like this...

  SiteA hosted by AOLserver(A) + OpenACS/ClassicACS(A) + nsd.tcl(A) + ad.tcl(A) listening on port ###A

  SiteB hosted by AOLserver(B) + OpenACS/ClassicACS(B) + nsd.tcl(B) + ad.tcl(B) listening on port ###B

  SiteC etc.

  PLUS AOLserver(Z) configured to "proxy" HOST:SiteA|B|C requests to the appropriate AOLserver(A|B|C) process.

Each AOLserver/ACS(A|B|C) process combination has its own tablespace, user, group, and logging to keep the system organized.


  Do all the AOLservers for Sites A, B, C... need to have installed?

  Does each AOLserver(A|B|C) have a unique nsd.tcl? (I assume yes.)

  Could I not use something like Squid to handle the proxy process? (I know only how to spell it, little else.)

Thank you for your feedback.
