Forum OpenACS Improvement Proposals (TIPs): TIP#124 Stack of procs executed next page request (rejected)

Just like util_user_message I propose a feature to run stored jobs next time the user makes a page request. This is a very powerful feature and useful for many scenarios. The one here at hand is to support single sign out for the central authentication service (CAS) with version 3.x. Here the cas server request oacs to logout the user because the user requested a logout in a third system. Since oacs is a cookie based system there is no way for oacs to invalidated the users session on the server side. We have to wait until the user makes the next page request. In this case ad_user_logout could be executed.

To support this and based on util_user_messages I have defined 2 new procs in acs-tcl and added a one liner (the second proc) to the master template.

ad_proc -public util_user_stack {
    {-job ""}
    {-session_id ""}
} {
    Stores a job being executed on the next page request.

    @param job The job to be executed
    @param session_id The session for which the job should be executed. Without a session_id nothing will be done.

    @see util_process_user_stack
} {
    if { $session_id eq "" } {
        ns_log Warning "No session_id passed. Doing nothing"
    if { $job ne "" } {
        set jobs [ad_get_client_property -session_id $session_id -default {} -cache_only t "acs-kernel" "user_stack"]
        lappend jobs $job
        ad_set_client_property -session_id $session_id "acs-kernel" "user_stack" $jobs

ad_proc -public util_process_user_stack {
} {
    Executes all jobs for the current user

    @see util_user_stack
} {
    set jobs [ad_get_client_property -default {} -cache_only t "acs-kernel" "user_stack"]
    if { !$keep_p } {
        ad_set_client_property "acs-kernel" "user_stack" {}
    foreach job $jobs {
        ns_log Notice "Running '$job' for user"
        if {[catch $job error]} {
            ns_log Warning "Job failed returning. $error"
Hi Nima,

I guess that to implement single sign out, single sign on would be in order too :). My impression is that this feature would be a kind of attempt to integrate .LRN or OpenACS in such an environment.

IMHO, the best thing to do would be to have an authentication driver for SSO mechanisms. Having Shibboleth support would be nice for example.

What others scenarios the jobs stack feature would be useful for?

Posted by Dave Bauer on

Have you fully analyzed the cookie validation process to be sure there is no way to make it work with the already existing code? It seems that the code that resets the users auth token was created specifically for this purpose and it would be better to fix the existing code than to add this. One question on logging out users is whether they can be logged in to two computers and what happens if they log out on one of them.

This probably also would affect your use case since this would effectively log the out from whatever computer they next used, if they changed to another computer it might still be logged in.

Posted by Torben Brosten on
A specialized version of this would be useful to force_logout_user so drastic measures are not necessary for a banned user's session to expire.

A lack of force_logout_user has been a source of headaches for some admins (on irc) over the years. I'm not sure how a banned user's session would expire without potentially having to restart the server and some other hacking.

Regarding multiple browser sessions, force_logout_user could be targeted to the latest N user sessions, or maybe just not remove the force_logout_user proc from the stack (with expiration some time later maybe).

Posted by Dave Bauer on
It seems simpler and less error prone to invalidate the cookies so the next time they login cookie is checked, its invalid. All this requires is a token used to encode the cookie contents along with the time.

This is already EXACTLY how the code works:

if {$auth_token eq [sec_get_user_auth_token $untrusted_user_id]} {

it compares the auth token provided with the cookie with the users current valid auth token. Invalidating the auth token will invalidate the cookies.

Posted by Torben Brosten on
Adding a link to the parallel non-tip thread, so we don't have to cross-post. ;)


Posted by Stefan Sobernig on

I second Dave in his analysis on YOUR CONCRETE SCENARIO. By requiring a further user action to perform the forced log-out, this might not match the intention (semantics) of the overall mechanism. You cannot guarantee that the user will actually perform the needed request (or is in the position to do so: What happens if the the session time-outs just at the moment the reconnect happens?). Or, in the meantime, till the session is invalidated, she will appear as registered user though a third system induced her immediate log-out (in the XOWiki visitor proxy, for instance). The issue of browser-induced concurrency only makes it worse, as Dave pointed out correctly. If there is a mechanism at hand, that allows you to enforce this condition immediately, do so. It seems KISS and semantically correct with respect to the overall scenario. So, it couldn't get any better :)

Generally speaking, this is another flavour of a "continuation metaphor" stored at the server side for the scope of a session. Continuations are only powerful as a concept if you can continue on a frozen state, just providing for an eval of a proc does not deliver what couldn't be achieved otherwise (as the XOWiki workflow engine does, for instance). The main issue I see is the binding of the continuation life-time to the auth-session life-time. As a general mechanism, one would have to provide for different binding sites ...

Posted by Nima Mazloumi on
Please note, that this tip is not about my concrete situation. Therefore I would like know if you find such a proc useful enough to make it part of the distribution.

Regarding you comments I will answer them here: