Forum OpenACS Development: Small bug in Lars Blogger 1.0.2

Posted by Jeff Lu on

The calendar is not displayed.

This is experienced when the users screen name starts with theletter "a".

I poked around a bit and found that this statement was causing the problem:

    if { [regexp {/(a|archive)/?([0-9]*)/?([0-9]*)/?([0-9]*)/?} $url ignore ignore2 year month day] } {

I changed that to:
    if { [regexp {/(archive)/?([0-9]*)/?([0-9]*)/?([0-9]*)/?} $url ignore ignore2 year month day] } {
It it is working properly now. Can anyone verify this for me? Should this be in bug tracker?
Posted by Randy O'Meara on
good sleuthin'