Forum OpenACS Q&A: Sections not available in Survey 0.2d?

Hello Community,

      Maybe I just forgot something, but I'm trying to setup a survey in OpenACS 5.04 with Survey 0.2d and to my surprise, I can no longer see the "Sections" option in survey admin. Am I missing something, or it's been taken out completely?

      If it is, I'm sad because I need to set up a real big survey, and sections are very important. I can see this in Survey 0.1d but not in 0.2d. Can anyone help me?


Posted by Malte Sussdorff on
Sections are only supported in survey 0.3 out of contrib. If your system says you are using survey 0.1 with sections then most likely you are using custom code that never made it into the official distribution.

Therefore, if you need sections, use the 0.1 version you have or use the version in contrib.

Posted by Vamsee Kanakala on
Thanks, Malte. I downloaded the package from contrib, but there are some bugs I found out:

1. The '*' is visible even for unrequired questions.

2. If the user forgets to upload a file in response to a question, whether required or not, it throws an error instead of showing that it is missing. It goes something like this (in respond.tcl):

can't read "response_to_question(527.tmpfile)": no such element in array
    while executing
"set tmp_filename $response_to_question($question_id.tmpfile)"
    ("foreach" body line 72)
    invoked from within
"foreach question $question_info_list {
            set question_id [lindex $question 0]
            set question_text [lindex $question 1]
            set abstract_data_t..."
    ("uplevel" body line 10)

3. Finally, if the response to a required question is missing, it's being shown as $missing, instead of the question text. I tried to change this into @missing@ in survey.en_US.ISO-8859-1.xml, but the same $missing is being shown even when I restart the server.

I'm thinking of fixing these anyway, but if you have any recommendations from the top of your head, on where to look for the problem/solution, I'll be grateful.
