Forum OpenACS Q&A: Is Form able to be included in ETP Page?

My ETP instance is allowed to accept any kind of HTML tags incluing <FORM..>.
However it does not display any form...just blank.
What's wrong?
Posted by Jade Rubick on

I've run into exactly the same problem, and never found out why. I'd love to know, however.

What I suspect is that it's run through some sort of security filter, and that strips out the FORM  HTML. It's weird that it does that, I think. I think it should either show you an error when you try to enter the HTML, or something. But the HTML just silently disappears..

Posted by David Ghost on
Thanks Jade,

Your comment soothe my pain to an extend.
By the way I'm a real novice to this environment
So I'm still waiting someone else's help who knows the answer.
Jade, How about you? I found your name so often here and there.

Posted by Torben Brosten on
Quick thought...

Wouldn't adding a form tag break the function of a form that edits an etp page?

Maybe a substitute tag could be used that gets regsub'd to the form tag when etp displays the page?

Posted by David Ghost on
Thanks Torben,

But could you provide me with a sample code?
I don't understand you...Sorry

Posted by Jade Rubick on
Torben: allowing a form tag wouldn't harm anything, because when it's edited, it's text, and when it's displayed, there's no form to interfere with.

If I have time today, I'll look into this.

Posted by Jade Rubick on

I think I've found why this is happening. Bear with me. I'm going to explain it in technical terms, so if it's confusing, just skip over the technical part.

ETP calls a proc called util_close_html_tags to make sure that the HTML people type in is legitimate. One of the side effects of this proc is that it REMOVES all FORM tags. That's actually the only tag it removes.

The only reason I can think of for doing this is security. It can be a security problem to allow people to post FORMs in your website.

However, if you're willing to take that risk, you could edit


and change this line:

set syn(FORM) discard


set syn(FORM) close

I think that should work.

Posted by Torben Brosten on
"allowing a form tag wouldn't harm anything, because when it's edited, it's text, and when it's displayed, there's no form to interfere with"

..subject to browser interpretation.

ETP page revisioning may be useful in some cases. ;)


Posted by David Ghost on
Thanks Jade,

Magically it works fine.