Forum OpenACS Q&A: OpenACS module development in Asia

Posted by Li-fan Chen on

Are there small web shops utilizing OpenACS or ACS in one way or another? I hope to take the time to visit some OpenACSers and ACSers who find innovative ways to apply or add to the toolkit.

I'm currently getting some training in Taiwan for a few month before heading back to North America. Please invite me ( for a tour and tutorial of your ACS-related operations and projects. I can make it out to Northern or Southern Taiwan on weekends and after business-hours. Singapore, Japan, and Hong Kong are also possible with more planning.

Posted by Cheng-Yi Hsu on
Yes, we provide ACS-backed service in Taiwan ! Our web site
Posted by Chris Carroll on
We are ACS developers in Hong Kong. Web site is We have built a document control package with ACS. With the current developments at aD, we are seriously looking at using OpenACS instead.

What is your schedule please, Li-fan?

Posted by jim Zamboob on
Has anyone heard of these guys in Hong Kong?  Seems the they have a package, the CCMS, with characteristics and attributes surprisingly similar to the ACS!!!

For instance, their system is also taught at MIT, Caltech and Berkeley!  And the World Bank also hired them!

C'mon guys, you have to at least be honest in what you sell. If the ACS is what you use, then I think you might want to mention that, at least so you don't get flamed.

Posted by Edmund Lian on
What do you mean by "similar?" It's identical--look at

These guys have relabelled ACS as CCMS. And since they use ACS, they have by association claimed aD's clients as their own with lines like "CCMS customers include Oracle, Siemens, Hewlett Packard, Nokia, EMC, BMC Software, and The World Bank."

How intellectually dishonest and unethical can one get? What's even more laughable is that they have a huge warning about counterfeit software on their home page.

Gee... they least they could do is acknowledge aD and ACS. There's something very, very smelly about what they're doing... Chris Carroll and the others at "Asian Information Management Systems Ltd."--you guys suck.

Posted by Edmund Lian on
OK, I hit the submit button too quickly--I didn't mean to condemn all at AIMS. There are undoubtedly innocent people there. Rather, let me just condemn their decision to do what they are doing right now, and put in a suggestion to them to do what is the honest and ethical.
Posted by David Kuczek on
Prima Aprilis I suppose...