Forum OpenACS Q&A: Display of radio buttons with formtemplate

I'm having problems with the display of radio buttons defined with ad_form.

I'm using <formtemplete id=formname> in an adp to display  the form. For displaying the radio buttons I'm using
<formgroup id=element_id>@formgroup.widget@ @formgroup.label@

But instead of watching the radio buttons in my page I'm watching the html code.

When I see the page_source where the radio buttons code should be, I get:

&lt;input type=&quot;radio&quot; name=&quot;show_modified_p&quot; value=&quot;t&quot; id=&quot;test:elements:show_modified_p:t&quot;  /&gt;  Yes

instead of:

<input type="radio" name="show_modified_p" value="t" id="test:elements:show_modified_p:t" /> Yes

If someone can help me I'll apreciate it.

Posted by Jade Rubick on
Try putting in noquote:

@formgroup.widget;noquote@ and @formgroup.label;noquote@

Posted by Miguel Marin on
Thanks a lot Jade:

I put the nonquote and works perfect...