Forum OpenACS Q&A: Changing size of the input username (email) Text Box

Hi all,
I am new to open acs . I want to change the size of the email and password text boxes . I was able to change the size of the password text box . But how do i do for the email address one.

I am attaching the relevant code snippet from login.tcl

ad_form -extend -name login -form [list [list username:text($username_widget),nospell [list label [_ acs-subsite.Username]]]]

--- I assume that we need to change the size in above statement . but how do we accompelish this ?

  set user_id_widget_name username
    if { ![empty_string_p $username] } {
        set focus "password"
    } else {
        set focus "username"
set focus "login.$focus"

ad_form -extend -name login -form {
        {label "[_ acs-subsite.Password]"}
    {html {size 5}} --- password text box size

Any help will be highly appreciated


Posted by Jade Rubick on
The [list ] commands are just like parentheses. So you can just add in [list html [list size 5]]] somewhere in there, and in should work :)