Forum .LRN Q&A: .LRN installation

Posted by Joe Shim on
Hi everyone,

I'm a newbie to OpenACS concept. Recently i have download .LRN package (1.0.1) to install. Upon completing installation of Aolserver 4.0.7, i ran the installation procedure of .LRN. It completed the database creation successfully, but can't seem to complete the second phase. It highlights in red "Open ACS kernel not installed." and various others. Can anyone help me with this error?

I'm running Fedora Core 2, AOLserver 4.0.7, Postgre latest RPM package from freshrpms.


2: Re: .LRN installation (response to 1)
Posted by Jade Rubick on

Have you looked in your log files? They are in /var/lib/aolserver/servername/log/error.log

Thanks, i forgot about the log file. Anyway, i got rid of the .LRN package 1.01 (i was starting to lose my mind with it...) and installed the .LRN 2.0.3. It configured nicely, i also upgraded my postgresql to 7.4.2. Unfortunately, when it came to scanning of packages, it says it can't find the "packages-install.tcl" file.

I checked on the 'net and i can't seem to understand how it transpired to this. I encountered people saying it's not present. Is there a "make" or "configure" to .LRN 2.0.3?

The .LRN 2.0.3 is from the dotLRN website download section.