Forum OpenACS Development: Designing New Service Contracts

Posted by Dave Bauer on

Some existing packages, for exmaple search, use the service contract implementation name to determine which contract to call. The search package uses the object_type of the item to index or the name of the full text engine driver to call the service contract.

Some other packages, notifications, acs-authentication, store the impl_id from the acs_sc_impls table in an internal package table to find which service contract to call.

In notifications each notification type is related to the service contract implementation_id.

         Table "public.notification_types"
   Column    |          Type           | Modifiers 
 type_id     | integer                 | not null
 sc_impl_id  | integer                 | not null
 short_name  | character varying(100)  | not null
 pretty_name | character varying(200)  | not null
 description | character varying(2000) | 

The auth_authorities table has quite a few service contract impl_ids:

                       Table "public.auth_authorities"
          Column          |          Type           |       Modifiers        
 authority_id             | integer                 | not null
 short_name               | character varying(255)  | 
 pretty_name              | character varying(4000) | 
 help_contact_text        | character varying(4000) | 
 help_contact_text_format | character varying(200)  | 
 enabled_p                | boolean                 | not null default true
 sort_order               | integer                 | not null
 auth_impl_id             | integer                 | 
 pwd_impl_id              | integer                 | 
 forgotten_pwd_url        | character varying(4000) | 
 change_pwd_url           | character varying(4000) | 
 register_impl_id         | integer                 | 
 register_url             | character varying(4000) | 
 user_info_impl_id        | integer                 | 
 get_doc_impl_id          | integer                 | 
 process_doc_impl_id      | integer                 | 
 batch_sync_enabled_p     | boolean                 | not null default false

I am curious if there is an advantage to either approach. Personally I feel that using the implementation name preserves the interface abstraction more cleanly than storing a primary key from the acs-service-contract tables.

Posted by Rocael Hernández Rizzardini on
I think both are ok because depends on the case, in search its easier since you call all the implementations using the name of the driver, which is one for all the implementations (per driver of course), while the other cases there's no easy way, unless you base the SC invokes on a naming convention, that some times depends on having the developer to write *well* the impl name, then its just easy to capture the impl_id or in the case of acs-authentication, you choose SC impl by a web form, then makes sense to store it on the DB.