Forum OpenACS Development: formtemplate: location of template

Posted by David Cotter on
In packages/acs-subsite/lib/user-new.adp the form is specified thus:

<formtemplate id="register"></formtemplate>

but where is "register". I wish to update the form but can't find it.

Forgive me for being completely out of touch with OACS5

Posted by Nagita Karunaratne on
The .tcl file builds a data structure named 'register' that describs the particulars of the form it wants to send to the client.

The formtemplate tag renders the form referenced by the 'id' parameter.

Posted by Claudio Pasolini on

by default the form defined by the tcl script is rendered using the template $service/packages/acs-templating/resources/standard.adp

You can specify other templates setting the main site parameter DefaultFormStyle, but you can simply lay out your form elements manually, putting them within the <formtemplate> tag.