Forum OpenACS Q&A: Response to Redesign of - New Features

Posted by Michael Feldstein on
Don, even if you are right and the number of "help me"
messages does die off, I suspect that bboard will remain
extremely valuable to the community. We'll still have plenty of
"what if," "how about," and "I just tried" posts that often generate
useful information.

In addition, the "help me" posts that are likely to stick around are
precisely those that we'll want to capture. They may be things
like, "Help me, I just discovered the permissions system doesn't
scale and I need to fix this major bug." We'll definitely want to
capture answers to those sorts of questions.

Bboard has always been the heart and soul of ACS communities
since Phil G started the durned thing. I can't imagine that
changing, regardless of better documentation or enhancements
to the rest of the system.