Forum .LRN Q&A: Re: Using Xowiki from the Learning Design Player GRAIL

Posted by Dave Bauer on
Of course, revisions and diff are core features of OpenACS as well, so you can use those features with or without xowiki.
Posted by Don Baccus on
We use xowiki to produce learning content through the tool we call "content", using the template facility of xowiki makes it easy to concentrate on the content while leaving the layout and navigation features / controls to the application, so those are created dynamically. Also we value the policy feature to allow certain behaviors with the pages.
But in an IMS (or SCORM) course these should be left to the player, using the semantic and sequencing controls that are part of IMS (or SCORM). Or are you telling us that you've written a real IMS content generation/editing tool based on xowiki?
dave, where is "diff" part of OpenACS? Of course, xowiki uses the openacs content repository, so every feature available in xowiki can be programmed again and again without using xowiki in various apps. The point is, that xowiki provides many useful features already, and seemingly some people find it more productive to use these than developing it on their own. In some respects, xowiki (as a framework) unleashes some of the power of openacs at a higher reusable level.
Is more a learning content editing tool that also generates the navigation automatically using templates, so you can create pages with one click rather than using complicated tools such as reload.
Yes, reusable is really good in xotcl, although it requires deep understanding of the application and how to refactor it if needed.