Forum OpenACS Development: homepage a-z overview

Posted by Ben Koot on
Hi friends. We have just reinstalled our openACS 3.2.5 edition on a new server, hoping that would eliminate some of the problems we had with our trial installation, such as a strange add-up problem.. In the home page module all pages are categorized per alphabet, but every user page is automatically also listed under each letter of the alphabet. so what can we do to solve this. Thanks for your kind advise Cheers Ben Koot

Homepages at the TimeDesk community

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Posted by Don Baccus on
Add more users.  The code will switch to an alphabetic list without the actual user names once it gets "big enough".  Ast least, it is supposed to.

I don't remember if the "big enough" parameter is hard-wired into the code or if it is a parameter that can be changed in your ad.tcl or ad.ini file.

If the code doesn't do this, it is broken and you can submit a bug report to the SDM.

BTW this forum's really for OpenACS 4.x issues.  We don't have a forum  for OpenACS 3.x but you'll probably get more answers over in the general OpenACS forum than here.

Meanwhile, there are three OpenACS 4 threads going on in the OpenACS forum rather than here, so don't feel bad!

And watch those HTML tags in posts, eh?  As you can see, if you forget to close them, they carry over from post-to-post in this old version of the bboard software.

Posted by Vinod Kurup on
Actually, this is a bug in the page all.tcl which has already been reported in the SDM. The fix is also described there. The variables letter_html and names_html need to be set to "" in the beginning of the loop.