Forum OpenACS Development: file not found

Posted by Ben Koot on
After 7 months of working normaly, more and features on my site are falling apart, and showing : "file not found"
More specific, in weblog continue, edit and draft mode give this result, but I noticed switching from admin, back to the regular display mode presents me with the same problem.

Any idea how to solve this?
On a more generaral note. is there a list of error messages,and an explanation of their meaning?


2: Re: file not found (response to 1)
Posted by Jade Rubick on
Maybe you can look in your error log?
3: Re: Re: file not found (response to 2)
Posted by Ben Koot on
Hmmm... sometimes a little logic can solve a lot. Once start changing descriptions in the packages obviously postings made under the old name will not be available under the orginal hyperlink! How stupid can one get.

Anyway, problem solved 😉