Forum OpenACS Development: SSL wrong redirection

Posted by Iuri Sampaio on
I set up a SSL connection on my oacs box and now every time i open the site it redirects to

This action only happens when i try to access the site through the main url.

Example: if i type i get the page opened properly without https redirection.

It happens because https only redirects from the very beginning of the navigation.

Now, I am looking for a parameter in the site to change the url such as Sitemap -> kernel -> SystemURL

I already change that. I thought https://debian:8443/
was related with the fact that
SystemURL -> http://localhost/

localhost could be set on the OS network settings to the name debian.

But it didn't solve the problem.

I believe the problem isn't on oacs configuration.
Does anyone have a clue?

2: Re: SSL wrong redirection (response to 1)
Posted by Torben Brosten on

Try setting kernel SystemURL to or (depending on if you have set the domain in the config.tcl file to or ), then restarting aolserver to make sure the new value is used in the system.

3: Re: SSL wrong redirection (response to 1)
Posted by Dave Bauer on
Torben is correct. THe SystemURL needs to be the public URL of the site and should include the trailing slash.
4: Re: SSL wrong redirection (response to 3)
Posted by Iuri Sampaio on
That's the thing i did exactly as you guys told here. I already set kernel -> SystemURL with the correct address.

I set the parameter with the correct ip address.
-> kernel -> SystemURL ->

But https still redirects to http://debian:8443

5: Re: SSL wrong redirection (response to 1)
Posted by Dave Bauer on
Also be sure the hostname parameter in your config.tcl file is correct. I think that might be the problem.
Posted by Byron Linares on
Openacs uses the hostname parameter in the config.tcl file of your server, and the headers of the conection to set the secure location,

You can take a look to this too procs if you want to dig more in the matter.


I hope this will help you