Forum OpenACS Q&A: Problem with bug-tracker and subsites

I wonder if someone has had this problem of if he/she could help me.

I am using an main site with address http://ip:port and in it, I have subsites so that each would go in http://ip:port/subsitename

These addreses are changed to domains in apache in a way that I would have something like: which in reality would represent http://ip:port/newsite

Now, in that subsite, I have Bug Tracker (in a way that each subsite will have their own Bug Tracker) It is then when I see a problem: The links on the left hand table (purple in colour) direct me to (where page represents the page where to go to.)

If I have been clear thus far, you will notice that the actual address will be: http://ip:port/newsite/newsite/page, thus not finding a page. I have been reading the code, and noticed the call to the table is done in index.adp with the 'listfilters' tag, but I don't find where the actual URL is made, and therefore have been unable to remove the second '/newsite/'.

I would appreciate it greatly if someone could guide me on what to do?

Thanks in advance.

Posted by Don Baccus on
Look at the proc "template::list::render_filters" in packages/acs-templating/tcl/list-procs.tcl.

This builds the multirow which contains info for each filter (including the URL) used by the "listfilters" tag.

The .adp page which actually emits the panel (after everything's calculated by "template::list::render_filters") is packages/acs-templating/resources/lists/filters.adp.

Posted by Evelyn Vides on
Thanks for the reply. That helped a lot to understand how it works. Now, thanks to you, Dave and Jeff I could manage to find a solution (temporarily at least) to my problem.

Thanks again