Forum OpenACS Q&A: The rel attribute (Rel="nofollow")

Posted by Michael Bluett on
Are there any plans to implement the rel attribute (Google's take) in OpenACS (possibly in packages), so that people are less likely to leave blog and comment spam?

Setting the attribute rel to "nofollow" in an href tag prevents Google, Yahoo and other search engines from counting links towards PageRank and WebRank. Adding this attribute by default would make blog and comment spam less valuable to those leaving comments. It could possibly used by default for all off-site links.

This kind of relates to a recent thread about Google optimisation. My favourite place to find out about webmaster/content-related topics, including SEO is WebmasterWorld, which include 26 steps to 15k a Day, which is all about building a site using linking and content.

Posted by Carl Robert Blesius on
We do not yet have anonymous commenting in the toolkit (the last time I checked) and we have an approval system for comments (that may need to be tested and tuned)

Copy paste of the comments admin UI from my site:
Status: [approved | unapproved | all]

so using this attempt by Google (rel="nofollow") at fixing the comment spam problem in OpenACS is moot.

Also, I see the solution Google suggests as suboptimal. It depends on search services to respect the attribute and breaks the often valuable links links in legitimate comments.

It is Google's centralized attempt at fixing the lack of moderation in most other implementations of comments.

Posted by Jeff Davis on
I have been thinking that rel="nofollow" would be quit useful to limit googles (and others) spidering of link based filtering. An example is bug tracker where you have zillions of links which serve up filtered lists of bugs but none of which should be spidered other than the main unfiltered list.

If the sidebar links were rel="nofollow" I suspect it would
decrease the burden imposed by the google spider while at the
same time increase the number of "meat" pages visited.

There are other ways to get this done but that seems to be a good way to do it.

Posted by Don Baccus on
Another reason to get rid of bugtracker's left panel :)
Posted by russ m on
I saw a take on the rel="nofollow" idea a while back that suggested that comment spammers are unlikely to change their practices as a result... comment-spamming is essentially a zero-cost option, so there's no financial/effort incentive for them to stop, and although they won't gain the pagerank mojo that they would have in the past they will still get some number of clickthroughs from the links left in comment spam...

again, this is only relevant to sites that allow anonymous commenting and for which automated comment-leaving scripts exist, so it's not likely to directly affect many (if any) OACS sites, but it's an interesting angle that I haven't seen explored anywhere else...

Posted by Michael Bluett on
I thought I might mention some code I finally wrote to stop user links being counted towards PageRank. It's matter of knowing where to add it (I put it on the display side on my OpenACS 4.6 installation).

I added this code:
regsub {href=("|')h[^"']+("|')} $message(content) {& rel="nofollow"} content set message(content) $content
to this file:

And similar code to:

Posted by Michael Bluett on
As always, there's a more complete method that springs to mind one minute after posting (and the code above was mangled):

regsub -nocase -all {href="?'?h[^"' >]+"?'?} $message(content) {& rel="nofollow"} content

set message(content) $content