Forum .LRN Q&A: Service break at fisrt request Debian Lenny

The installation process was as follows

apt-get install tcl8.5 .....
apt-get install postgresql-8.3 ....
apt-get install aolserver4 ...
apt-get install tdom ...
apt-get install xotcl ...
apt-get install tcllib tclthreads

unpack dotlrn2.4.1, config the config.tcl
up the service with aolserver-nsd .....

the error log is

[23/Jun/2009:09:09:26][3637.3083474608][-main-] Notice: Bootstrap: Done loading OpenACS.
[23/Jun/2009:09:09:26][3637.3083474608][-main-] Notice: Sourcing files for postload...
[23/Jun/2009:09:09:26][3637.3083474608][-main-] Notice: Done.
[23/Jun/2009:09:09:26][3637.3083474608][-main-] Notice: Executing initialization code blocks...
[23/Jun/2009:09:09:26][3637.3083474608][-main-] Notice: Executing initialization code block filters_register in /var/websites/unis/packages/acs-tcl/tcl/request-processor-init.tcl
[23/Jun/2009:09:09:26][3637.3083474608][-main-] Notice: ns_register_filter trace GET /* rp_invoke_filter  0 0 3 ds_trace_filter {}
[23/Jun/2009:09:09:26][3637.3083474608][-main-] Notice: ns_register_filter trace POST /* rp_invoke_filter  1 0 3 ds_trace_filter {}
[23/Jun/2009:09:09:26][3637.3083474608][-main-] Notice: ns_register_filter trace HEAD /* rp_invoke_filter  2 0 3 ds_trace_filter {}
[23/Jun/2009:09:09:26][3637.3083474608][-main-] Notice: Executing initialization code block procs_register in /var/websites/unis/packages/acs-tcl/tcl/request-processor-init.tcl
[23/Jun/2009:09:09:26][3637.3083474608][-main-] Notice: ns_register_proc  GET /grades-sheet-csv* rp_invoke_proc {0 0 0 evaluation::generate_grades_sheet {}}
[23/Jun/2009:09:09:26][3637.3083474608][-main-] Notice: ns_register_proc  POST /grades-sheet-csv* rp_invoke_proc {0 0 0 evaluation::generate_grades_sheet {}}
[23/Jun/2009:09:09:27][3637.3083474608][-main-] Notice: nsmain: AOLserver/4.5.0 running
[23/Jun/2009:09:09:27][3637.3083474608][-main-] Notice: nsmain: security info: uid=1002, euid=1002, gid=1001, egid=1001
[23/Jun/2009:09:09:27][3637.3073559440][-sched-] Notice: sched: starting
[23/Jun/2009:09:09:27][3637.3083474608][-main-] Notice: driver: starting: nssock
[23/Jun/2009:09:09:27][3637.3045964688][-nssock:driver-] Notice: starting
[23/Jun/2009:09:09:27][3637.3045964688][-nssock:driver-] Notice: nssock: listening on <<IP:PORT>>
[23/Jun/2009:09:09:40][3637.3037567888][-conn:0-] Notice: random: generating 1 seed
[23/Jun/2009:09:09:42][3637.3037567888][-conn:0-] Notice: encoding: loaded: iso8859-1
Tcl_SetBooleanObj called with shared object

Posted by Héctor Romojaro on
Hi Fernando,

The "Tcl_SetBooleanObj called with shared object" error on Lenny's aolserver 4.5.0 is a common problem, it is described here:

I rebuilt the package with the fix mentioned there (and bgdelivery patch) and uploaded it to my debian repo. (deb lenny main). You can use them and check if the error persists.

Note that the packages are built on the amd64 arch, if you are using i386 (or other), you'll have to rebuild them. You can do it this way:

# apt-get source aolserver4
# apt-get build-dep aolserver4
# dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -uc -b (into the package directory)
# dpkg -i aolserver4...

BTW, you don't need tcl8.5, aolserver is compiled against 8.4 on lenny.

Hope it helps.

-- Héctor

thank you very much Hector, the service is working correctly, doing this change to the package
