Forum OpenACS Development: Re: ssl(https) bug-Enhancement

Posted by Torben Brosten on

Byron Linares,

It seems it doesn't affect other cases. I'd recommend this change to your file to simplify the logic:

<     if { $sdriver ne "" || [parameter::get -parameter ReverseProxyForSsl -package_id [apm_package_id_from_key acs-tcl] -default 0] } {
>     if { $sdriver ne "" } {
<     } 
>     } elseif {[parameter::get -parameter ReverseProxyForSsl -package_id [apm_package_id_from_key acs-tcl] -default 0] } {
>       # cosider if we are behind a reverse proxy and don't uses the aolserver ssl modules
>         lappend locations "https://${host_name}"
>     }

Assuming that revision works, I would say go ahead with the change on head since it doesn't (or isn't supposed to) affect existing systems... be sure to also add the new parameter and increase the version number in acs-tcl/
