Forum OpenACS Q&A: More spam module issues in Open ACS 3.25

Similar to a problem Cathy Sarisky had about a week ago where spam
goes into forever sending mode and never actually sends the mail
I also can send email from the server but spam doesnt work.
In my case we didnt make any changes to users.

I threaded my way into spam_daemon.tcl that calls the
send_scheduled_spam_messages.tcl procedure(in the defaultacs/tcl
dir).  The first thing the proc does is write a Notice to the ns_log.
In my case - i am not seeing ANY log messages... strange....

This is the msg I get back from spam.tcl.
Class description: users who are a member of Web time.
Query to be used:

select users.approved_date, users.approving_note,
users.approving_user, users.banned_date, users.banning_note,
users.banning_user,, users.converted_p, users.crm_state,
users.crm_state_entered_date, users.deleted_date,
users.deleting_note, users.deleting_user,,
users.email_bouncing_p, users.email_verified_date, users.first_names,
users.last_name, users.last_visit, users.lob, users.n_sessions,
users.on_vacation_until, users.password,
users.portrait_client_file_name, users.portrait_comment,
users.portrait_file_extension, users.portrait_file_type,
users.portrait_original_height, users.portrait_original_width,
users.portrait_thumbnail_height, users.portrait_thumbnail_width,
users.portrait_upload_date, users.priv_email, users.priv_name,
users.registration_date, users.registration_ip, users.rejected_date,
users.rejecting_note, users.rejecting_user, users.screen_name,
users.second_to_last_visit, users.url, users.user_id, users.user_state
    from users_spammable users
where ad_group_member_p(users.user_id, 37) = 't'

Message to be sent:

subject: test
send on: 2002-02-03 11:09:06
Queued for delivery by the spam sending daemon.

2: spam (response to 1)
Posted by Cathy Sarisky on
I'm afraid my spam sending problem is also still in force.  I'm at work but will post more details when i get back to my server.