Forum OpenACS Development: Web UI for adding test cases?

Posted by Dave Bauer on
So, I am experimenting with Selenium, and have code that allows controlling Selenium Remote Control from acs-automated testing.

In addition I have written the format code for Selenium IDE to generate Tcl code suitable to run with Selenium RC and acs-automated-testing. This allows less techincal users to create test cases.

Now a next step would be a web UI to add a new test case.

Does this make sense or do devleopers want to take the user generated tests and add them to a /tcl/test/test-procs.tcl file themselves?

Since it is clearly not a good idea to allow just anyone to upload code that runs on the server, obviously administrators would need to add the actual tests. In this case is there any produtivity gain from a web UI over adding the test code to a Tcl file?

Posted by Torben Brosten on
Selenium seems most appropriate for testing general Web UI behavior. For example, if there were a series of standard template forms generated that have an optional dependency on javascript or css. Selenium could run through the cases whenever changes were made to the OpenACS UI to verify nothing has broken, or the limits of the UI.

Allowing users to create tests can be useful:

1. when submitting a bug and having a test case that shows the example. Generated tests could then be added by the admin and/or bug fixer(s).

2. to reduce the load on qualified admins in creating tests. How valuable is this, though, if the user doesn't know what to test?

Posted by Dave Bauer on
For users creating tests we have

1) non programmer QA person
2) technical non programmer who knows what to test

So the question is more what do programmers need to add the tests to the system.

Does a web UI make more sense than emailing tests around? Probably, now that I think about it, having a place to submit the tests does make sense, and a programmer can then take the submitted tests and categorize them and actually run them.

Posted by Ryan Gallimore on
This sounds great, Dave. Thanks for making Selenium-RC accessible from Automated Testing. This has been a major stumbling block when combining data driven tests implemented in AT with UI level tests in Selenium-RC or IDE.
