Forum OpenACS Development: Incoming E-Mail attachment handling

I would like to add incoming E-Mail support to contacts (for a contact history). Has anyone already added incoming E-Mail support to a package besides Notifications? I'm especially interested in the handling of attachments (as parse_incoming_email does not handle them). My idea would be to modify parse_incoming_email (actually write parse_incoming_email_enhanced) so it returns an array with the text_body, html_body and a list of object_ids of cr_items (for the attachements).
Posted by Andrew Grumet on
For handling attachments, I'm pretty sure the MIME library in /packages/acs-tcl/tcl/mime-procs.tcl can parse them out.
Posted by Jeff Davis on
This might be a very good time to get rid of our versions of the mime proc things which are just copies of the tcllib version (old, buggy out of date versions esp).
Posted by Jade Rubick on
Yeah, I'd recommend using Tcllib. It works.