Forum OpenACS Q&A: We are in hot pursut of getting access to workflow 2.1.1 functionality inside the openacs

We are still trying to understand how to use the workflow inside the openacs. We now know that the package concept of tcl is different from the package in openacs. So the work DK did on recompiling the tcl interpreter while being good for him using tcl will not do anything for us using openacs.

Our issues include being able to generate a list of all the workflows being used. AND getting a feel for using it in the creation of a package.

So we started with the list of oacs applications you provided (above) and continued looking for details as follows:
[00:18:21] …
[00:20:23] …
[00:22:54] …
[00:25:06] …
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[00:28:48] …
[00:43:56] …
[00:44:23] …
workflow.Action_SideEffect Get the name of the side effect to create action
workflow.ActivityLog_FormatTitle Output additional details for the title of an activity log entry
workflow.NotificationInfo Get information for notifications
workflow.Role_AssigneePickList Get the most likely assignees for a role in a workflow case
workflow.Role_AssigneeSubQuery Get the name of a subquery to use when searching for users
workflow.Role_DefaultAssignees Get default assignees for a role in a workflow case

It would be great if you could give us more details about the work you have done on the bug-tracker and any specifics on the things that did and did not work?

What bug tracker solution are you using today?
It got late and