Forum OpenACS Development: OpenOffice - calc crash aolserver

Posted by Wojtek M on

I found the bug in AOLserver/OpenACS, I think so.

When I mark the piece of text with link and pictures, like ie:

<a href="orders?sort=0&view=@view@">OrderID <img src="/image/up.gif" border=0></a>

and paste it to OpenOffice - calc my server crash down:
Error: return: failed to redirect 'PROPFIND /global/500': exceeded recursion limit of 3

I try to use other pictures and different version of OpenOffice every time I see the same error.
When I use the same link without img everything is working fine.

Any idea how to solve the problem??

Posted by Wojtek M on
O sorry, the link -> < a lass=catMenu href="orders?sort=0&view=view@" >OrderID < img src="/image/faq.gif" border=0 >< /a >
Posted by Dave Bauer on
The clue is here

Error: return: failed to redirect 'PROPFIND /global/500': exceeded recursion limit of 3

This should not crash anything though. It says the recursion limit was exceeded and it should stop the request.

I am not sure why your server is responding to a PROPFIND request on that URL, you should check your configuration as that method should not be valid except for WebDAV requests.

Posted by Don Baccus on
All uncaught operations cause AOLserver to infinitely recurse, unfortunately, this is a known problem. Actually maybe it's been fixed in 4.5.1, I'm not sure.

Installing webdav fixes it because then they're being caught so that's probably one workaround, though the question still remains "why is a webdav request being made?"