Forum OpenACS Q&A: Response to building new Track&Field web/database application

Philip wrote:

"Tilman raises an interesting point. Will my code be opensource? I guess I could make it opensource, I will attempt to gain approval from the customer, although I don't imagine that being too hard."

OpenACS is GPL'd. That means you can use it to develop proprietary or free applications based on it. The GPL protects us, the project, from having somebody take the freedoms we gave him/her and not give those freedoms back.

So if you develop an application for your company or client, you DO NOT have to ever publish the source code that application if you're only going to keep it for your own use.

HOWEVER, if you do redistribute it (e.g. sell it to somebody else) then you have to look at two things (remember that IANAL and that I may be forgetting some detail):

1) If your application merely _uses_ OpenACS but does not _modify_ it, then when you redistribute it, just include the OpenACS source and you could distribute your app under a different license.
2) Otherwise your application will have to include full source and be under the GPL as well.

You should remember this: are you really expecting to make money off of selling your application? Every time someone writes a module for OpenACS and contributes it back to the community, everybody wins, including yourself because you'll be able to use modules written by others.