Forum OpenACS Q&A: FastCGI and mod_proxy

9: FastCGI and mod_proxy (response to 1)
Posted by Petru Paler on

is the idea basically to create something like mod_AOLServer, only using the FastCGI interface insteady of the Apache-specific mod_ interface? You're still forced to replicate the AOLServer API in separate code either way, yes?

Nope, you don't need to duplicate any code... what the FastCGI approach would do is put a FastCGI server interface into AOLserver, thus allowing any web server which has a FastCGI client to talk to it. So Apache would be just passing the request on to AOLserver that processes it and returns the page data. Apache is just a proxy -- which brings us to:

What's the difference between FastCGI and mod_proxy (or a proxy approach in general)? Is FastCGI just a way of getting mod_proxy-like support into IIS?

I never thought about it this way, but yes, this is exactly it. Come to think of it, you don't need FastCGI at all for "Apache integration" since mod_proxy does the same job! One has to wonder though, what does apache integration mean... if you want the actual tcl code to be executed by apache, then you need mod_nsd.