Forum OpenACS Q&A: Response to Community Bid: RPM's for RedHat

Posted by Lamar Owen on
[You know, I never have really liked bboard for threaded
discussions. I much prefer a mailing list, where you can do more
free-form quoting, etc.  Then you can have list archives... But I

To answer a couple of questions/concerns/points about an RPM
1. As I envision an RPM install, the master copy of OACS would go
into /usr/share/openacs.  There would be an adp tree in there for
the functionality of setting up an instance --
/usr/share/openacs/setup-instance/index.adp for start.
2. There would be a 'setup-instance.tcl' AOLserver config file in
/usr/share/openacs/setup-instance that would start the 'setup
server' on port 8000 or whatever, with a webroot of
3. You'd point a browser at localhost:8000 and get index.adp, which
would walk you through setting up an OpenACS instance.  Now, the
logic in index.adp will be quite complex, and it will need helpers,
etc.  But those are details.
4. Each instance would go into /var/lib/openacs instead of /web.
/web is verboten for an LSB-compliant installation.
Now, when you upgrade the openacs RPM, you only touch the master
instance in /usr/share/openacs -- the stuff in /var/lib/openacs is
untouched, and can be upgraded by, perhaps,
Does this answer the concerns raised?