Forum OpenACS Development: Response to rp_serve_abstract_file and PerformanceModeP

Posted by Dave Bauer on
Don, I notice this example in the documentation:
 Here is an example index.vuh file that you can adapt to your own purposes:

# Get the paths

set the_url [ad_conn path_info]
set the_root [ns_info pageroot]

# Get the IDs
set content_root 
  [db_string content_root "select content_item.get_root_folder from dual"]
set template_root 
  [db_string template_root "select content_template.get_root_folder from dual"]

# Serve the page
if { [content::init the_url the_root $content_root $template_root] } {
  set file "$the_root/$the_url"
  rp_serve_abstract_file $file
} else {
The index.vuh is there to allow you to programatically map URLs to content. So it looks like the CR developers did not check with the RP developers. It looks like we will need to work out something that can accomplish the same thing without breaking the rules.