Forum OpenACS Development: Updated OpenACS & dotLRN Debian installers

Galileo University presents a new OpenACS & dotLRN installers for Debian, available
adding to your source list the following repositories and doing "apt-get install [package name]" after.

deb binary/
deb-src source/
(for dotLRN 2.1.3 package name is dotlrn-2-1)

deb binary/
deb-src source/
(for OpenACS 5.1.5 package name openacs-5-1 & OpenACS 5.2.0 package name openacs-5-2)

The installer is for people who wish to try / test OpenACS or dotLRN systems under Debian.

The source is available for any interested user via apt-get
, as well as further updated versions of the installer will continue, plus more improvements.

Any feedback or suggestion is greatly appreciated.

The Software installer has been developed / customized by GES TEAM at the Galileo University ( by Adrián Alberto Catalán Santis as part of the E-LANE project (,
taking as reference previous installers:

Otto Solares (

Included software version

OpenACS 5.1.5
OpenACS 5.2.0
dotLRN 2.1.3

The installation has been tested in Debian Linux v3.1 "Sarge" and Ubuntu Linux v5.04 "Breezy Badger"

to install you'll need
-> add the repositories to the source list (/etc/apt/sources.list)
-> apt-get update

to install dotLRN
-> apt-get install dotlrn-2-1

to install openACS
-> apt-get install openacs-5-1
-> apt-get install openacs-5-2

Posted by Jade Rubick on
If you're planning on supporting this, please add this to the OpenACS Wiki, under the Debian section, as an option for installing the OpenACS source (maybe make this optional)
Posted by Christof Spitz on
Galileo seems to be down, so forget it.
Posted by chris snow on
I had to move the init script from:




This was to give postgres a chance to startup before dotlrn. Postgres was installed as:


Posted by Jan Vandermeer on
This is interesting news!

Two limitations:

1) The server at Galileo was not available when I attempted the install. Is it frequently down?

2) Has there been an attempt to install under Ubuntu Linux v6.06 "Dapper Drake"? Would there be dependency problems due to the updated repositories?

Thanks for your response


Posted by Niels Olson on
Has anyone tested this on Debian 4.0 yet?
Posted by Philip Jensen on
I have got this working on Debian SPARC v4r0. I took the OpenACS v5.1 source build provided above and simply rebuilt it on my Debian SPARC machine. Of course all the other dependencies were installed first:-

apt-get install postgresql postgresql-dev postgresql-doc 
apt-get install aolserver4 aolserver4-nspostgres aolserver4-nssha1 aolserver4-nscache tdom

Then install the package:-

dpkg -i openacs-5-1_5.1.5-1_sparc.deb

Seems to be working ok.

One potential pitfall as stated elsewhere is on Debian this is not managed by daemontools, but standard init.d. So when the installer says it's restarting, you will need to run ...

/etc/init.d/openacs-5-1 restart
... and wait.

I have not done extensive testing. I have installed the "Automated Testing" package and run system test cases for package acs-tcl, category api, seemed to be ok. Any other suggestions?