Forum OpenACS Q&A: Tutorial/pqsl Question

Posted by John Sequeira on
(posted on behalf of Szymon Polok )

I have a problem with Oasis. I downloaded it, run on VM and when I try to do some tutorial (myfirstpackage) psql doesnt allow me to do myfirstpackage-create.sql because of bad username (username 'root' does not exist). Do you know how to eat it?

2: Re: Tutorial/pqsl Question (response to 1)
Posted by John Sequeira on

psql wants you to use an existing account. The two I created in OasisVM are 'openacs5' and 'dotlrn'

To load a script into openacs, try the following:

>su openacs5
>psql openacs5
openacs5=# \i myfirstpackage-create.sql

That should do it.